
VP Supporter Joins Draft Biden PAC, No Family Gatherings Yet

Four years later, then-President Bill Clinton angered many Utahns by establishing the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, an announcement made from across the border in Arizona and without notifying state officials.


Clinton leads Vermont Sen.

“He’s a bit behind”, said Tom Henderson, the Democratic chairman in Polk County, the home of Des Moines. Elizabeth Warren, who hesitated too long.

“This is an indication that there is at least some desire from the people that surround the (vice president) that this process of getting him into the race has escalated”, Harpootlian said Monday.

At the same time, the public’s tepid image of the Democratic Party is better than its strongly negative image of the GOP. “If it’s undecided when I become president, I will answer your question”, she replied. But there are downsides to Biden’s entry to the Democratic contest. Reporter: The three of them, a team, all there at the biggest moment of all, in the situation room for the Osama bin laden raid.

He’s still deeply in grief over the loss of his eldest son Beau.

So far, he’s resisted attacking Clinton, focusing instead on contrasting his more liberal views with hers on issues like Wall Street regulations and the Keystone pipeline.

It’s resulted in embarrassing moments like his 2010 hot-microphone comment in President Barack Obama’s ear that the health care law is a “big f–ing deal”. He also served as CEO of the company founded by his family.

The campaign is spending about $1 million in each state over the next five weeks to air two 60-second biographical spots aimed at telling voters why Clinton is running for president. Sanders’ rapid upward movement is as much, if not more, about Clinton’svulnerabilities as his own strengths.

Hillary Clinton’s lead is down to six points in New Hampshire’s crucial primary, according to a new poll.

“What the Vice President has said publicly is that a possible campaign for the presidency is something that he’s considering, and he anticipated that he would make a decision by the end of this summer”, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest told reporters at his daily news conference.

“Having the experience of being a former secretary of state distinguishes her and her candidacy, but it comes with responsibilities that at times can limit her“, she said. “We joke about it, but’s really just great to have them come to the state”.

Biden has campaigned for president twice before: in 1988 and 2008. New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd wrote Biden was seriously weighing a run because his son Beau urged him to do so in the days before he passed away.

“I don’t think that he’s going to be that effective as a campaigner”, the outspoken Republican business mogul said.

A second ad focuses nearly entirely on the life story of Clintons late mother, Dorothy Rodham, who overcame a bleak childhood marked by abandonment, neglect and poverty. But that number might also be soft: In June her 34-point spread over the raw-emotion populist Sanders was 60. However with Biden’s identify added to the combination, Clinton polls 48 % to Biden’s 21 % and Sanders’ 15 %.

“We’ll let him make his decision”, Jennifer Palmieri, Clinton’s campaign spokeswoman, told CNN.


It appears that the most ardent opponent of the kind gesture was Hillary Clinton. That works magic in places like Iowa and New Hampshire.

Vice President Joe Biden eats ice cream during a visit to Little Man Ice Cream in Denver Tuesday