
Trump staff writer takes responsibility for Melania plagiarism row

This morning, Brian from Iowa, a Donald Trump supporter, called into SiriusXM host Stephen K. Bannon and spouted, “Sore Cruz’ers just need to lick the boots of Donald Trump” to prevent Hillary Clinton from gaining the White House. Ted Cruz said you can vote your conscience for anyone who will uphold the constitution.


But in general, Pence’s speech energized delegates, reached out to independents and presented Trump in a more favorable light than even the candidate usually does.

Trump has generated controversy throughout the campaign for making offensive comments about minority groups and women, and has a 70 percent unfavorability rating among women. He’s expected to point to Indiana’s economic growth and to accomplishments under his watch.

Cruz has indicated intentions to run for president again in 2020, and he has a team forming behind him to execute that plan.

Still, some aides to Cruz, a Republican senator from Texas, were pushing him to endorse Trump for the sake of his own political future. Cruz said Trump was a “pathological liar”.

It’s hard to believe that Trump’s team and the RNC agreed to let Cruz speak without the promise of an endorsement in hand. Another son, Eric Trump, addressed the convention on Wednesday.

McIver said she worked closely on the speech with Melania Trump and that, “A person she has always liked is Michelle Obama”. McIver said she took notes and later included some of the phrasing in the final draft.

Despite the unmistakable similarities to remarks given by Michelle Obama at the 2008 Democratic convention, the Trump campaign initially denied any wrongdoing, then made a tacit admission before attempting to insulate Melania, adding to a picture of a campaign in chaos. “No harm was meant”, McIver said in a statement released by the Trump Organization.

Pence, 57, said he “joined this campaign in a heartbeat” because Republicans chose Trump, a man “who never quits, who never backs down”. He said after spending time with Trump, “I know that Donald Trump will be a great president of the United States of America because his heart beats with the heart of the American people”.

Republicans vow that in a Trump administration, the US will reclaim its historic role in the world.

Democrats said the affair and the explanations showed Trump’s team was not ready for prime time, all the more embarrassing because Trump has accused the presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton of being untrustworthy. Mario Rubio and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker.

To the delight of millions of Republicans across the country and more than a few in the Quicken Loans Arena, Texas Sen.


Trump will close the four-day convention with a speech Thursday night accepting the nomination.

Liar. Lucifer. Lock her up. GOP denounces Clinton