
Melania Trump’s speechwriter admits ‘mistake’ in copying passages from Michelle Obama

Meredith McIver offered her resignation, but Trump rejected it, reported the Associated Press. “You don’t like that you got caught with some of Michelle Obama’s language in the speech”.


McIver explained that she included the passages from Michelle Obama’s speech after listening to Melania Trump read passages from the 2008 speech.

“In writing her lovely speech, Melania’s team of writers took notes on her life’s inspirations, and in some instances included fragments that reflected her own thinking”, Miller said in a statement. McIver’s explanation takes the blame off Melania, but it also confirms Melania knew the whole time the highly specific phrases she was saying came directly from Michelle Obama’s speech.

187277187264187264Melania Trump’s speech controversy casts shadow over RNCRepublicans will formally nominate Donald Trump as their presidential candidate Tuesday night.

“I asked to put out this statement because I did not like seeing the way this was distracting from Mr. Trump’s historic campaign for president and Melania’s lovely message and presentation”, she said.

But Cuomo insisted that by not admitting that Melania’s speech was plagiarized, he was making the scandal a bigger issue that distracts from the messages the Trump campaign would prefer to focus on.

“I apologize for the confusion and hysteria my mistake has caused”, she adds.

The Trump campaign has announced no speechwriter firings, but the incident has set off a fresh round of infighting between loyalists in Cleveland. But a speech by Melania Trump on Monday night has momentarily stolen the spotlight. “A person she has always liked is Michelle Obama”, McIver wrote. Earlier Wednesday, Manafort said in televised interviews that it was time to move on. “What she did was use words that are common words”.

Campaign staff had previously denied any allegations of plagiarism.

Manafort said “similar words” were used, but the “feelings of those words and commonality of those words do not create a situation where we feel we have to agree with you”. It was an out-of-work journalist who first noticed the similarities and posted them on Twitter. For reasons I still don’t understand, the RNC’s Sean Spicer started talking about “My Little Pony”.


“I am honoured to work for such a great family”, she said.

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