
Cruz told Trump campaign no endorsement coming

Delegates began heckling Cruz (R-Texas) toward the end of his speech as he refused to back the candidate who defeated him for the Republican presidential nomination. Still, his senator “hurt the Republican Party” today, he said.


But Trump is still dealing with the backlash from his wife’s speech Monday evening.

The audience chanted “Endorse Trump!” but Cruz did not give them what they wanted.

Cruz, 45, said. “To those listening, please, don’t stay home in November”.

The atmosphere turned ugly after Mr Cruz stopped short of throwing his weight behind the man who beat him in the nomination race and told Republicans to “vote your conscience”. “Ted Cruz said, ‘You can vote your conscience for anyone who will uphold the Constitution”.

Speaking after Cruz, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich tried to do damage control. “There seem to be so many things that divide us, so few great purposes that unite us as they once did”, Pence said.

Delegates cheered: “We like Mike!” He said voters must ensure it’s Trump picking the justices.

The evangelical Christian and notoriously anti-marriage equality senator sought to appeal to all groups, with a message stressing diversity while blaming President Obama and presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton for all of the problems.

He took the stage to a thunderous, prolonged ovation. Pence jokes that running mate Donald Trump is charismatic and must have been looking for balance in choosing him.

Two other failed Republican presidential candidates, Florida Sen.

Earlier in the day, Cruz had signaled that he would not unify behind Trump just for the sake of Republican Party unity.

He says it’s crucial to elect Trump to protect the Second Amendment, “the sanctity of life” and other liberties.

Willette was particularly impressed with a convention speech made Tuesday night by Trump’s son, Donald Trump Jr. “No big deal!” tweeted Mr. Trump, as the divisions within the GOP dominated headlines yet again.

Walked offered strong support of Trump despite his reservations about the candidate during his concession last September.


Speech writer Meredith McIver issued a statement saying, Mrs. Trump read me some passages from Mrs. Obama’s speech. An estimated 50,000 people are expected in Cleveland, including hundreds of protesters and members of the media.

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