
Israel to stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons

In an interview with German newspaper Der Spiegel, Yaalon said that the Zionist entity is not responsible for the lives of Iranian nuclear scientists.


Ayatollah Emami Kashani further rejected as “mere lies” the Western allegations that Iran pursues a non-civilian nuclear program and backs terrorism, adding that it is the Westerners who are the real supporters of terrorism.

Several Iranian experts have been assassinated and there has been a hacking attack, both blamed by Tehran on Israel and the United States.

This deal has been advertised as the ultimate deal to stop Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.

Last month, a prominent leader of the Iranian opposition, Maryam Rajavi, addressed a crowd of some 100,000 supporters saying that the world would be more peaceful only if the theocratic regime in her home country is overthrown.

He re-emphasised his country’s position that the agreement with Iran would enable it to remain a “nuclear threshold state” that would be permitted to enrich uranium within a decade.

That means more money to Hezbollah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, the Houthis in Yemen, and Shi’ites in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia, Ya’alon said.

He told Der Spiegel that the only effective strategy against Iran would be to leave the regime with a choice – either it acquires nuclear weapons or it is permitted to survive. Mossad officials concluded that the assassination campaign became too unsafe for its spies, said the report.


The covert war against Teheran’s nuclear program has also seen the launching of the Stuxnet computer virus on Iran’s nuke facilities, ongoing espionage and unexplained explosions. The regime has long been engaged in heavy lobbying to hamper the diplomatic efforts aimed at closing the Iranian nuclear dossier.

Israeli defense minister makes veiled threat against Iran's scientists