
Christie: Clinton ‘guilty’ on Iran deal

New Jersey Governor and former prosecutor Chris Christie attempted to make an affirmative case for Donald Trump as the best possible candidate for president of the United States.


Melania struck a softer note, promising that Trump would care for every American, regardless of race or religion, and praising him as a husband, father and person.

The Quinnipiac University poll released Tuesday found 47 percent of NY voters back Clinton, the former secretary of state, with 35 percent supporting Trump, the Manhattan businessman. That’s your responsibility. If you’re the President of the United States of America, an Ambassador is your direct representative. They don’t like Hillary Clinton.

Honkala said she plans to invite Sen.

“If Donald Trump wants to make America great again, he should start by actually making things in America”, she said.

He continued: “These jokes and bromides may play well in rare venues and limited circles, but they cheapen the very real arguments that need to be made to the broader public against a Hillary Clinton presidency”.

He performed a show trial of 68-year-old Clinton, whipping the crowd into frenzied chants of “Lock her Up!”.

Bill Pickle, a talk radio host and SC delegate, expressed frustration at what he called “name calling and childish behavior” among some of the speakers.

Even though he was a finalist to become Trump’s vice presidential nominee, Christie has reiterated that he’s comfortable with his relationship with the Republican nominee. He added that Trump is “strong” about increasing U.S. overseas intelligence capabilities and said the Republican nominee would be “consistent in his rhetoric on the nature of the threat”.

Clinton has led in the poll most of the year. But none of it is as worrisome as the sexist overtones of the entire convention.

However, a good amount of the merchandise also targets Clinton, Trump’s biggest rival, with incredibly offensive and misogynistic messages.


He would only take a position in the Trump administration if it’s one he desired, he said in an MSNBC interview last week.

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