
Melania Trump’s speech writer offers resignation, gets rejected

Ted Cruz, but their distaste for the Texas Republican was validated Wednesday night as Cruz refused to endorse Trump and told the delegates in Cleveland to vote their conscience in November.


Anti-Trump Republican delegate Ken Cuccinelli told Reuters he escorted Cruz’s wife Heidi off the convention floor of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland out of concern for her safety.

Unlike Trump, Pence also joined U.S. President Barack Obama and House Speaker Paul Ryan to back the Trans-pacific partnership deal, a trade deal staunchly opposed by Trump.

In one example, Mrs. Trump said: “From a young age, my parents impressed on me the values that you work hard for what you want in life, that your word is your bond and you do what you say and keep your promise, that you treat people with respect”.

Trump and his children were seated in the audience, keeping blank stares amid the whole scuffle.

Indeed, promoting Pence’s socially conservative agenda on a national stage could endear the presidential ticket to a sect of evangelicals who backed more pious candidates in the primaries, such as Ted Cruz and Ben Carson. “It is such an honor to be here for a man I love so, so, so, so much!”

Scott Walker, who pulled out of the presidential race before any votes were cast, offered a full-throated endorsement of Trump, urged all Republicans to vote for him and took a swipe at his Democratic foe. “Until now he’s done it all by himself, against all odds”.

“Donald Trump gets it. He’s the genuine article”, Pence said. “He’s a doer in a game usually reserved for talkers”, the vice presidential nominee continued. He doesn’t tiptoe around the thousands of new rules of political correctness. He’s his own man, distinctly American. “Where else would an independent spirit like him find a following than in the land of the free and the home of the fearless?”

Mr Pence has previously criticised Mr Trump’s proposal to ban all Muslims as “offensive” and gave a lukewarm endorsement to Senator Cruz in his state’s primary election. Not only did she repeat the themes Mrs. Obama used in her speech at the 2008 political convention that nominated her husband, Mrs. Trump also used Mrs. Obama’s words.

Cruz wasn’t the only former primary competitor to speak at the RNC. Both presidents Bush and the last two GOP presidential candidates – Mitt Romney and Arizona Sen. “It might make his comments more appropriate”.

‘The consequences are too great, ‘ Walker implored.

Meredith McIver, a Trump Organisation employee, later admitted her role in writing the speech and apologised for the “chaos I have caused”. It’s time to fight for a new direction for America.

“If she were any more on the inside, she’d be in prison”, Rubio said to cheers.

He was surprised Cruz didn’t endorse Trump and he does believe the episode will hurt the party’s chances for unifying, especially when it comes to Cruz supporters backing Trump.

Eric Trump moved quickly to the podium.


Still others said Trump needed to be more disciplined.

Melania Trump's speech writer offers resignation, gets rejected