
Clinton has more cash; Trump forgives loans

Baldasaro is an adviser to the Trump campaign for veteran’s issues and has appeared at Trump campaign events….


Baldasaro spoke during a news conference earlier this year after Trump invited him to the podium while fending off criticism about his lack of transparency in doling out funds raised for veterans charities.

“Hillary Clinton is asking the people of this country and the people of the United States to make her the first President in history to take the oath of office after already having violated it”, he said. “As usual, the liberal media is taking it out of context”.

Hillary Clinton to me is the Jane Fonda of the Vietnam. ‘Hillary Clinton should be put in the firing line and shot for treason’. Balsadaro pronounced the controversial remarks when asked about Clinton’s role in the deadly 2012 attack on US embassy facilities in Libya.

She is a disgrace for the lies that she told those mothers about their children that got killed over there in Benghazi.

State GOP Chairwoman Jennifer Horn says Baldasaro’s comments are, in her view, “appalling and have no place in public discourse”.

“As far as I’m concerned, the laws of the land on treason could be a firing squad if she’s found guilty”, he added. Chris Christie reportedly discussed this move in a meeting with donors and said that Trump’s people were anxious that Obama appointees would become civil servants before the end of his term, making it much harder for Trump to get rid of them.

‘Anyone that commits treason should be shot, ‘ he said. His comments come a day after top adviser Paul Manafort called Kasich “petulant” for not attending the convention or endorsing the presumptive Republican nominee.

Christie tore into Hillary Clinton with gusto on Tuesday night, leading the assembled delegates in a mock prosecution of Clinton for the “crimes” of pursuing foreign policies that failed to bring peace to the Middle East, stop the rise of ISIS, contain aggressive Russian President Vladimir Putin or topple the dictatorial Castro regime in Cuba.

Regarding the FBI’s investigation into Clinton’s email protocol during her service at the Department of State, 45 percent said she should have been indicted, while 44 percent disagreed.

“Freedom of speech is a lovely thing”. When answering to the controversy, his words had caused, Baldassaro asked if he should give up to his freedom of speech and properly pick up his words to protect someone’s vulnerability. Voters watching the conventions will see a concentrated period of one candidate presenting herself as the steady hand running against the other candidate who is presenting himself as the much needed agent of change.

“I want a woman (president) who embodies what I try to embody – righteousness and nobility”, said Annette Davis Jackson, a delegate from near Stone Mountain, Georgia.

When asked by Military Times about the comments, Baldasaro insisted that he was not advocating for the death of the Democratic presidential nominee. At their core, they believe Clinton has broken the rules not just in the most recent email scandal, but with Benghazi and with the Clinton Foundation.

Got You Six is a USA nonprofit campaign uniting veteran-focused nonprofit, Hollywood and governments partners.

Baldasaro is representing New Hampshire as a Trump delegate at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland this week.

Trump has referred to Baldasaro as his “favorite vet”.


We believe that there is a better way forward.

Hatred of Hillary the unifying thread at Republican convention