
Big Brother’s Jayne Connery rushed to hospital after task goes wrong

Oh dear. There’s big bother for Jayne Connery in the Big Brother house, again.


Set to air on Thursday night, the incident occurred when Connery was knocked off a make-shift bridge over the swimming pool.

The contestants had gathered outside for a bridge-building task.

The 49-year-old was injured in what was called a “bridge buidling” task as housemates attempted to knock Jayne off a bridge by throwing water balloons and wet sponges at her. I mean, WHAT could go wrong?

She’s then taken out of the house and to hospital!

As a precaution, Jayne is told she needs to go to the hospital and is led out of the house while her shocked housemates look on.

Big Brother is always full of surprises.

As Jayne – who was recently saved from nominations by Sam Giffen – was holding her place, Jackson threw a wet sponge that hit her and made her lose balance.

Moments later, Big Brother explained to the housemates that Jayne was fine and receiving expert medical attention off-site and her housemates were pleased to hear this news.

While he’s in the Diary Room, his housemates play a prank on him by placing a sponge and a wig in Jayne’s bed and pretending it’s her.

Viewers will watch as Jackson apologies to her and she reassures him things are okay by asking him to read out her letter.


To be on the safe side, Jayne was taken out of the house to get checked over at hospital and Jackson was left reeling with guilt at having caused her an injury. She’s returned to the house via the Diary Room, where she assures Big Brother that she “is feeling good”.

Jayne Big Brother