
Secret Service investigates Trump advisor who said Clinton should be executed

The United States Secret Service is investigating one of Donald Trump’s advisors for saying presidential candidate Hillary Clinton should be “shot for treason”, according to ABC News in the United States.


The scathing remarks were made by New Hampshire state representative Al Baldasaro, who labelled the presumptive Democratic nominee “a piece of garbage”. Asked about whether he believes Clinton is responsible for the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi in 2012, Baldasaro didn’t mince words.

“She is a disgrace for any, the lies she told those mothers about their children that got killed over there in Benghazi”, he said on the Jeff Kuhner Show.

The New Hampshire Union Leader reported that the state’s Republican Party chair Jennifer Horn attempted to distance the party’s from Baldasaro’s comments Wednesday.

The Trump campaign has not responded to multiple requests for comment about Mnuchin.

“As you know from his other career, Donald likes to fire people”, he said on Tuesday at the Republican National Convention, speaking at a closed door meeting with donors.

“I’m a veteran. And any other veteran that had a server of classified information, people’s names and things like that, you’re putting other veterans life in danger, and state department workers, special forces, Central Intelligence Agency or whatever, in danger”, Baldasaro said.

“What our president says matters”, she tweeted. “Something’s wrong there”, the war veteran, who has spoken at numerous Trump events, continued in his explanation of Clinton.

Baldasaro spoke during a news conference earlier this year after Trump invited him to the podium while fending off criticism about his lack of transparency in doling out funds raised for veterans charities.

“After today, Hillary Clinton gets her turn planning a convention created to prove that she is not the demon the Republicans have been portraying all week”, Mitchell said on Today. Because in my mind, I want to think where they moving guns, were they doing something there?

“This week at the Republican convention, we’ve seen the clearest embodiment yet of this unsafe phenomenon”, Palmieri added.


“Baldasaro has embarrassed the Granite State long enough”, Buckley said.

Donald Trump Jr Ivanka Trump and Eric Trump in the roll call in support of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump