
Who is Meredith McIver, the person behind Melania Trump’s controversial RNC speech?

“Over the phone, she read me some passages from Mrs. Obama’s speech as examples”, McIver explained.


Mrs Trump’s address was otherwise distinct from the speech that Mrs. Obama gave when her husband was being nominated for president. “No harm was meant”, McIver said.

In a statement, McIver said she had inserted passages into the Melania Trump speech that resembled parts of a 2008 speech by first lady Michelle Obama.

On Tuesday, documents obtained by NBC News showed that the original draft of the speech didn’t include the section apparently cribbed from Michelle Obama, raising suspicions that the passage had come from someone in the Trump campaign.

“The speech was very effective and communicated those feelings”, Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort said Tuesday on CNN’s “New Day”.

When The Huffington Post asked delegates why there was more talk about Hillary Clinton than the Republican presidential nominee, delegates said there were two more days to talk Trump.

Chris Christie on Tuesday blasted Hillary Clinton for “launching” diplomatic negotiations with the Iranian regime over their nuclear program, in a blistering speech at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland.

Clinton added that speakers at the convention “spent more of their time attacking me and President (Barack) Obama rather than making any kind of argument about the future we want to build for our country”.

“The Sanders delegates, their bellies full of beans, will be able to return to the Wells Fargo Center and greet the rhetorical flatulence of Hillary Clinton with the real thing”, Honkala said.

Pat Smith continues to grieve the violent death of her son, Sean, who was among the four individuals killed in the 2012 terror attacks against Americans staying at a US diplomatic site in Benghazi.

McIver has apologized and submitted a letter of resignation, which Trump refused to accept. The Trump Organisation is owned by Donald Trump.

The New Jersey governor was one of the final three contenders in the running for the GOP vice presidential nomination, but Trump instead picked Indiana Gov. Mike Pence.


Clinton’s top campaign aides believe that the way to beat Trump in November is to not only stoke voters’ distrust of him, but to cast a vote for him as a vote for putting the United States in danger. And we are watching it become the Party of Trump. And when federal investigators spoke with Trump’s employees, they said they were instructed to mark rental applications from black people with a “C”. “I’m comfortable that it’s a less awkward situation than I’ve seen in many marriages”.

Republican U.S. presidential nominee Donald Trump speaks live via satellite from Trump Tower in New York City during the second session at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland Ohio