
Trump says that Cruz has broken his loyalty oath in Cleveland

Ted Cruz defended not endorsing Donald Trump for president as he spoke Thursday morning in front of a lively group of Republican delegates from Texas, explaining that it was personal for him.


Majority supported Cruz in the caucuses, though their votes at the convention had to go to Trump as the victor of the state primary.

As the party delegation and Trump supporters realised the embarrassment coming from a friend-turned-foe, they started booing Cruz, the loudest booing coming from the NY delegation.

“We have the right to free speech”, Weidenkopf said. The rest of his speech was hard to hear over the noise of the crowd. “She was trying to leave”.

“This was my mistake, and I feel awful for the chaos I have caused Melania and the Trumps, as well as to Mrs. Obama”, said McIver, adding that her offer to resign was rejected by the Trump family.

Led by the NY delegation, seated at the foot of the podium, the cheers quickly turned to jeers and boos, as he encouraged Americans – including, he said, those watching at home – to simply “vote your conscience” in November.

In his vice presidential acceptance speech, Pence said that Trump would rebuild the military and stand with the allies of the United States.

Cruz, who as a Tea Party conservative in the U.S. Senate spearheaded tactics that led to a government shutdown over the federal budget, called the NY real estate developer a “serial philanderer” and a “narcissist” during the campaign. Cruz’s endorsement would be a significant one for Trump, who has failed to unify the party after becoming the presumptive nominee in May following a bitter primary battle. “He expected people to not be thrilled about this” the adviser said.

During the race, Trump repeatedly called Cruz “Lyin’ Ted”. And Cruz stuck to his prepared text which was released by the RNC under embargo well ahead of his speech.

“Who would ever think to this extent, no matter where you move, no matter where you breathe, it’s a big deal”, Donald Trump said on GMA. Ted Cruz when he said three little words: “vote your conscience”.

“I want to congratulate Donald Trump on winning the nomination last night”. Marco Rubio, who did endorse the billionaire in their speeches. It’s time to fight for a new direction for America.

Like many other speakers at the convention, Pence made sure to assert his opposition to presumptive Democratic presidential nominee
Hillary Clinton.


Tonight’s speech comes six days after Trump announced that Pence was his vice presidential pick via Twitter.

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