
Gingrich offers delegates a plan to win NY for Trump

But asked about the embarrassing public show of dissent, former US Speaker and one-time presidential candidate Newt Gingrich joked: “Well we’re much better off than the British Labour party”.


Gingrich, likely to land a senior position in a Trump administration, referred to Modi’s stint in Gujarat to make that point – “creating jobs and developing free enterprises”. Hours prior to Gingrich’s televised speech, he and his wife Callista Gingrich were at the Tower City Cinemas on West Huron Road to introduce the film to the audience. The trailer is below.

“His policy would be mutually beneficial to us”, Gingrich said, trying to imply that Trump is only against Muslim immigrants who could indulge in lone-wolf terrorism.

Clinton has since emphasized that she would not blindly accept Syrian refugees and would scrupulously follow a security screening process that already takes 18 to 24 months. “They are often the victims of the violence themselves”, he said.

“And they watch the wolves come in”, said Gingrich. And that’s just one country, he said.

Mr Gingrich, a former Republican presidential candidate, made the joke to a British Sky News reporter.

Gingrich said the United States can not screen the additional refugees, but that ignores the average screening process of one to two years and involving in-person interviews and NGO referrals.

Gingrich, now a professor and author of dystopic thrillers, spoke as an official Donald Trump surrogate.

It’s unclear what she will speak about when she delivers her primetime speech.

The former speaker also criticized the practice of jailing people who struggling with mental illness and drug addiction. Stating that “if you’re not prepared to monitor the mosques, this whole thing is a joke”.


Onondaga County Chair Tom Dadey, an early Trump supporter, says he thinks Gingrich’s plan is realistic.

Newt Gingrich Settles Trump Cruz Convention Showdown TRUMP WINS!				Win McNamee  Getty	
		by Patrick Howley20 Jul 20160		20 Jul 2016		20 Jul 2016