
Republicans boo Cruz for failing to back Trump

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz took the stage of the republican National Convention to a rousing round of applause Wednesday night, but when he left the claps turned to a chorus of boos that were rained down on him after he failed to offer an official endorsement of Donald Trump.


The furore was “another example of when Hillary Clinton is threatened by a female, the first thing she does is try to destroy that person”, Mr Manafort said at a press briefing on Tuesday.

The Republican Party made up about half of Trump’s available cash on hand. “To me, Ted Cruz showed America what he really is”, King said.

And so many buttons: One has a picture of Donald Trump, and right above that there’s a pig with a baby’s head on it. The pig has been branded with GOP on its side, and the slogan is: “Donald Trump in 2016 will make us rich and fat as pigs”.

Pence touted the billionaire as someone who will fight for Americans, calling him “tough” and as someone who “perseveres”. “The man just doesn’t quit”.

The dispute was the latest misstep at the four-day party meeting, which was meant to be an occasion showing Republicans rallying behind Trump, a NY businessman who has never been elected to public office but who saw off 16 rivals in the primary contests.

The Trump campaign scrambled to respond to the charges of plagiarism after Melania Trump’s addressed the RNC crowd on Monday, initially insisting that none of the language had been lifted from Michelle Obama’s speech. However, as CBS2’s Marcia Kramer reported, the unexpected twist ended when Trump entered the arena and stole the crowd’s attention. “This was my mistake”, McIver wrote. Most speakers used a portion of their time on stage to confirm their confidence in Trump instead of Clinton.

McIver said Trump had refused to accept her resignation, saying that “people make innocent mistakes”, according to her statement. Marco Rubio said, “After a long and spirited primary, the time for fighting is over”.

The speech required her to overcome her wariness about public speaking and the traditional role of the politician’s wife, as well as her heavily accented English, to present herself to the public as her husband’s partner, a poised mother and wife passionate about issues affecting women and children.


Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, who Trump selected last week to be his running mate, accepted the nomination for vice president during a speech where he spoke on his switch from becoming a Catholic Democrat to an evangelical Republican during the years of former president Ronald Reagan.

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