
Video collected from body, dashboard cameras in Dallas shooting

Photos of sniper Micah Xavier Johnson’s corpse have leaked online – and has the proof. Police previously reported he was killed inside a parking garage. A peaceful protest over the recent videotaped shootings of black men by…


She said her son lived like a “hermit” following his return from the Army. “I would use any means necessary to save our officer’s lives and I’m not ashamed to say it”, he said.

Brown has revealed that Johnson sang and laughed throughout police negotiations and at one point asked how many officers he had shot. Brown did not provide more details, including the location of negotiations that came before the bomb.

Police and the military have been using remote-controlled robots for decades for bomb disposal, in hostage standoffs and to disable improvised explosive devices on the battlefield.

But until that serious discussion happens, he said he fears “we’re going to continue to see this kind of tragic incident” like the Dallas attack. I’d do it again.

In taking personal responsibility for approving the plan in the aftermath of Thursday’s attack, Chief David Brown said he was convinced that the gunman would have sought to harm other police officers if he had hesitated to give the go-ahead.

The robot used to deliver the explosive device was purchased in 2008 for approximately $151,000.

“I just said, ‘Don’t bring the whole building down. People retaliating against the people sworn to protect us”.

The city’s police chief vigorously defended the tactic.

Investigators are now combing through items belonging to the shooter, 25-year-old Micah Johnson, working to decipher the cryptic letters he wrote with his blood before he died.

“That’s what made the killing of those officers so much harder to take”, he said.

Federal agents are trying to trace the origin of the weapons used by Johnson, including a semi-automatic rifle.

Johnson’s time in the Army was marked by a sexual harassment accusation in May 2014 while in Afghanistan. “The other aspects of government need to step up and help us”. Johnson was ordered to avoid all contact with her. It was unclear whether Johnson ever received counseling. The deaths have fomented unrest from Ferguson, Missouri, to Baltimore and heightened calls for greater accountability of police, particularly in the urban, majority-black neighborhoods they patrol.

Since last week’s attacks, almost half of America’s 30 biggest cities have issued directives to pair up police officers on calls to boost safety. In Louisiana, a man was accused of posting a video online showing him in his vehicle behind a police auto, saying he wanted to shoot and kill an officer. He will also speak privately with the families of the slain officers.

President Barack Obama is coming to Dallas to speak at a memorial service on Tuesday.


Texas Gov. Greg Abbott announced Monday he will not be able to make it because he’ll be undergoing skin grafts on his feet after suffering second- and third-degree burns on his feet and both legs below the knees.

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