
Vilsack Named Possible Democrat #Veep

Following the convention, the newly minted ticket is expected to embark on a campaign bus tour, reminiscent of the “First 1,000 Miles” convoy that took Bill Clinton, Al Gore and their spouses across eight states after the party’s 1992 convention.


Hillary Clinton’s methodical search for a running mate is almost complete, several Democrats close to the vice presidential process say, and she is planning to introduce her new political partner during a campaign rally in Miami on Saturday.

The former president believes that Kaine has the appropriate experience with domestic and national security issues needed to attract voters and prepare him for the presidency should he need to step in as commander in chief.

Kaine is a former governor, mayor and one-time Catholic missionary fluent in Spanish.

Sen. Timothy M. Kaine of Virginia and Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack remain two of the leading contenders for Hillary Clinton’s vice presidential pick, but Sen.

Kaine weighed in on his vice presidential prospects during an appearance before the Northern Virginia Chamber Of Commerce Wednesday.

Several Democrats say Clinton is spending time at home finalizing her decision.

The former first lady will accept the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination during the convention in Philadelphia next week. “You know, I am afflicted with the responsibility gene, and I know what it’s like being president”.

The Hispanic finalists, Labor Secretary Thomas Perez and Housing Secretary Julián Castro, have not been told they are out of the running but, after conversations with Clinton, came away with the impression that they were unlikely to be picked, Democrats said.

Clinton’s choice will be the culmination of a closely held search for a running mate, run by a small group of longtime advisers and confidantes. Cory Booker of New Jersey is also under active consideration for her ticket, according to a Democrat with knowledge of the process. If Vilsack is selected, he will have to resign as agriculture secretary.

For her part, Clinton has intentionally not informed anyone who has gone through the vetting process of her final decision, Democrats close to the process said, in hopes of keeping her choice a secret until the last possible moment. The vice-presidential candidate could be Virginia senator Tim Kaine.


Were she to settle on Senator Kaine, it would underscore her pragmatism and emphasis on experience, the very qualities she’s been trying to highlight from the beginning of her campaign. Elizabeth Warren of MA and one close to Sen.

Announcement expected this weekend that Tim Kaine will be on the Democratic ticket