
Donald Trump’s chances at presidential victory are in Mike Pence’s hands

Her speech and demeanor were absolutely incredible.


“If Trump used corporate resources to write a political speech, that could be illegal”, Philip Bump reports.

On Wednesday, however, the Trump campaign reversed course entirely and offered a new justification-a stark contradiction to Manafort’s prior objection: Melania Trump is a big fan of the First Lady and knowingly quoted her directly to a Trump speechwriter, who simply forgot to attune the phrasing into something more original.

On Monday, hours before she gave the speech, Melania told TODAY she wrote it nearly entirely on her own.

“Democrats are about to anoint someone who represents everything this country is exhausted of”, he said, slamming Clinton as the “secretary of the status quo” and accusing the media of being on her side, drawing chants from the floor of “Lock her up, Lock her up”.

But the press around the speech and the campaign’s denial of the obvious overlap in wording was sucking up oxygen that the campaign desperately needed surrounding Trump officially becoming the nominee Tuesday night.

But while politicians often trade in cliches – the city on a hill, the idea of taking the country back – the issues become thornier when speeches borrow individual words, says Susan Blum, author of “My Word!” People chanted “Let her go!” as the woman was led away by police. He argued that while the words were common, they were personal to Melania.

Cuccinelli, a former Virginia attorney general, said: “When the speech ended, there was an ugly crowd behind us”.

In Cincinnati at the NAACP convention, retired lobbyist Terry Pruitt, said Trump had alienated all types of Americans – not just blacks.

‘He wasn’t long on diaper-changing and things like that, but he, I think he was maybe a bit more traditional in that regard, but he was very accessible and very available, ‘ Ivanka Trump said. If they didn’t, then the Trump campaign sent them out to tell lies and has now thrown them under the bus.

“I’m not a Trump fan”, she said Wednesday.

Asked Wednesday how his wife was handling the reaction, Donald Trump told ABC: “It’s a different world”. It’s even possible that if Trump wins Cruz intends to treat him much as he treated the Republican leadership of Congress – as another pol who lies to the good Republican folks.

“The media is spending more time doing a forensic analysis of Melania’s speech than the Federal Bureau of Investigation spent on Hillary’s emails”, he said.

Her personal remarks Monday night, well-received by the delegates and many TV viewers, was quickly criticized for including passages that were similar to Mrs. Obama’s at the 2008 Democratic convention.

“There’s no cribbing of Michelle Obama’s speech”, he said.

McIver said Melania “always liked” Michelle Obama, and she had read passages from her speech over the phone, as an example of the sort of message she wanted to send on the convention stage. “I am a Christian, a conservative and a Republican in that order”, he offered, a phrase that has become nearly a mantra with him. “I did not check Mrs. Obama’s speeches”.


Harper feels Trump will take action to abolish many of theses regulatory measures in order to encourage growth in the private sector, something that could be exceptionally effective among small business owners in Mississippi. “No harm was meant”. The writer said she took notes from the conversation. “Americans can elect someone who literally personifies the failed establishment in Washington D.C. or we could choose a leader who will fight everyday to make America great again”.

Speechwriter Confirms Melania Knew She Was Plagiarizing Michelle Obama