
Two US Democratic Leaders To Vote Against Iran Deal

According to his aide, Schumer would also vote to override the president’s veto on the deal, reports CNN.


Sherman otherwise praised President Barack Obama for his efforts to keep Iran from becoming a nuclear-armed state.

“Like many Jewish Democrats, Mr. Schumer approached the agreement under pressure from his constituents, the administration, and his own personal history and faith”, the New York Times reported on Thursday.

In his post to Medium, Schumer provided a detailed account of his assessment of the nuclear arms deal with Iran, criticizing the agreement for its “serious weaknesses”. Marc Ginsberg discuses. They say they are anxious that, in working to counter AIPAC’s tactics and discredit its claims about the nuclear accord with Iran, the President has gone overboard in criticising the group and like-minded opponents of the deal.

Late Thursday, amid all of the media hullabaloo surrounding the first GOP presidential primary debate of the 2016 election cycle, Democratic Sen. He said in his statement he opposed the nuclear deal because he believed Iran would not change and that the deal would let it eliminate sanctions while retaining “nuclear and non-nuclear power”.

Support from the scientific community comes on the heels of news that the agreement will not have the support of one of the top-ranking Democrats in the Senate. Bill Nelson of Florida, Tim Kaine of Virginia, and Barbara Boxer of California.

Ahead of voting on a resolution to disapprove the deal when Congress returns in September, lawmakers face a real decision: not of either the deal or war, but rather, is the deal “in our national interest?”

He said the good part of the deal is the requirement for Iran to give up 97 percent of its stockpile of enriched uranium and decommission two-thirds of its centrifuges.

“What I said is absolutely true, factually”, Obama told CNN’s Fareed Zakaria in an interview that will air in full Sunday.

Mr Schumer, who is the number three Democrat in the Senate and is in line to succeed Harry Reid as the party’s leader in the chamber, has insisted his decision was not influenced by party or politics, and added he had not been pressured.

“While inspectors would likely be able to detect radioactive isotopes at a site after 24 days, that delay would enable Iran to escape detection of any illicit building and improving of possible military dimensions (PMD) - the tools that go into building a bomb but don’t emit radioactivity”, Schumer said.

President Obama and Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer.

The New York senator is among the most influential Jewish lawmakers in the United States.

“That’s why I would describe this as an announcement that was not particularly surprising to anybody here at the White House, even if it was disappointing”, Earnest said.


Evan Vucci/AP Earnest also said Obama and Schumer have disagreed on the Middle East since 2003 – a dig at Schumer’s support for the unpopular invasion of Iraq. But another New York lawmaker, Rep. Eliot L. Engel, the leading Democrat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, came out in opposition shortly after Schumer’s announcement.

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