
Republicans look to Pence to unify the party

Hillary Clinton’s foreign policy adviser Jake Sullivan said in response that “Ronald Reagan would be ashamed” of Trump’s abdication on North Atlantic Treaty Organisation and his “bizarre and obsequious fascination with Russia’s strongman, Vladimir Putin”. “There seem to be so many things that divide us, so few great purposes that unite us as they once did”, Pence said.


“At the very moment when America is crying out for something new and different, the other party has answered with a stale agenda and the most predictable of names”, he said, adding the Democratic Party had nominated “someone who represents everything this country is exhausted of”.

Before Cruz’s speech, Texas delegate Jonelle Fields said she understood his reluctance to endorse Trump – she still worries about the nominee’s views on abortion.

Heading into the night, Trump’s campaign was still hoping to overshadow the controversy surrounding Melania Trump’s plagiarized speech from her Monday night address.

A day after Trump formally became the presidential nominee, some delegates at state gatherings around Cleveland were still struggling to come to terms with their unorthodox new standard-bearer. “Ted Cruz have all responded to Donald comes generosity”. I’ll show you unity, you orange-faced punk. Meredith Mclver, an in-house staff writer at the Trump Organization, said in the statement: “I feel bad for the chaos I have caused”.

He then wrapped up his endorsement-less remarks, smiled calmly and waved as he exited stage left – a stark contrast to the beginning of his speech, where he received a prolonged standing ovation as he emerged.

Cruz mentioned Hillary Clinton by name three times.

Pence is right – while he delivered a strong speech that on another night could have thrust him further into the national spotlight and help introduce himself to Americans in the way that he wanted to, he went from headline to sidebar after Cruz’s remarks and the crowd’s response. “It’s time to win in November”, Senator Rubio said.

“The time for fighting each other is over”. GOP leaders say that while the United States has always been an exceptional nation, but eight years of bad policies and poor leadership under President Barack Obama have weakened America overseas and limited opportunities at home. The selection of Pence by the Trump campaign was meant to appease the more hard lined conservatives in the party, many of whom voted for Cruz in the primaries.

Not all Republicans took Christie’s approach, however. He had the crowd chanting “Guilty!” and “Lock her up!” when reciting examples of Clinton’s acts. Dr.

Several arrests were also made Wednesday afternoon right outside the convention.

On Wednesday, Trump arrived to the Cleveland hall via helicopter.

Meredith McIver said she offered to resign but Trump refused to accept her resignation.


Pence, Trump’s choice as the Republican Party’s vice presidential candidate, gave the keynote address during the third night of the Republican National Convention in Quicken Loans Arena.

Trump's VP pick taking the stage; Cruz to 'suggest' support