
Porterville K-9 officer dies after vehicle air conditioning fails

He said the vehicle was no longer running and the air conditioner was off.


Authorities say a police canine in Central California died in an overheated patrol vehicle when a malfunction caused the air conditioner to shut off. The K-9 unit did have a warning system to alert the handler when temperatures in the vehicle became unsafe, but it did not activate. “They’ve been together for two years”, said Porterville Police Chief Eric Kroutil. After about an hour and a half, the officer returned to the vehicle and found it was no longer running and Idol was deceased.

When the training session ended Wednesday, the temperature was 90 degrees, according to the release.

The warning system had failed, Porterville police said. Tulare County Sheriff’s Office investigators were not able find out why the vehicle turned off, but they did find the temperature warning system was faulty.

An investigation by the Tulare County Sheriff’s Department found a cable to the warning system was not connected. The Tulare County District Attorney’s Office reviewed the sheriff’s report and determined Idol’s handler will not face any criminal charges.

Vargas, who has been with Porterville police for more than five years, and Idol had been partners for about three years.


Porterville police announced the department would retrofit each K-9 unit with a new warning system and implement additional procedures. The chief said 4-year-old Idol was a good police dog and it’s been very hard for his handler.

California K-9 officer dies after car air conditioning fails