
GOP CONVENTION | US Sen. Portman says GOP ‘smore unified than ever’s

“That’s what needs to be done in Washington D.C. with the new president of the United States named Donald Trump and his vice president, Mike Pence, and with a Republican Senate that can work with them to restore that American Dream”. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, addresses the delegates during the third day session of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Wednesday, July 20, 2016.


Speaking this morning at the OH delegation breakfast, Kasich said, “I have no regrets for what I’ve done in my political career”.

The vice presidential nominee on Thursday was reacting to Trump’s comments that if Russian Federation attacked the Baltic States, he would consider defending them only after reviewing whether those nations “have fulfilled their obligations to us”.

Mr. Portman said his race’s outcome could determine whether Republicans hold on to their slim majority in the U.S. Senate. The 28 nations that are part of the NATO alliance have all signed a treaty pledging to automatically come to the aid of any member country that is attacked.

The Trump-Pence ticket is going to be the right ticket to win in November.

Kasich remains very popular in OH, with a 60-percent approval rating overall and an 80-percent approval rating among Republicans, Bischoff said.

Looking ahead to her own speech Thursday night, Ivanka Trump joked in the interview joked that her biggest hope is that she doesn’t trip on stage.

A note of irony: Trump is accepting the GOP nomination a year to the day since Kasich formally announced his presidential candidacy at a packed event at Ohio State University.

The Ohio delegation is solidly behind Kasich, who was the last man standing against Trump, Bischoff said.

Manafort said that Cruz “understood what the responsibilities are, someone in his position”.

“In the end, if Donald Trump is elected president, none of these things are going to matter to anyone”, Husted said.

Many have questioned his decision to refrain from attending the convention.

“You’ve got to bring people together”, Kasich said.

Kasich then is scheduled to travel to Philadelphia on Friday to headline a fundraiser for area congressional candidate Brian Fitzpatrick, a former Federal Bureau of Investigation agent seeking to succeed his brother, Rep. Mike Fitzpatrick, who is honoring a pledge he would only serve eight years. He said it’s “terrific” that McIver, who is an employee of the Trump Organization, admitted inadvertently lifting the first lady’s phrasing from her 2008 convention speech word-for-word. He added that “now that cloud is lifted off” Mrs. Trump. He told ABC that “people make mistakes”.

Portman has endorsed the GOP nominee – although he supported Ohio Gov. John Kasich in the primaries – but Democrats say he doesn’t want to get too close to him so as not to alienate independent voters who aren’t Trump fans.

Kasich sources said the vice presidential back-and-forth began when Donald Trump Jr. reached out to Kasich’s adviser, shortly after Kasich dropped out of the race in May. Do you really believe I would say, ‘(John Kasich) is in charge of foreign and domestic policy and (Donald Trump) will focus on making America great again’? But, he made no excuses for bypassing the RNC in Cleveland.

In her remarks, Taylor called for unity but stopped short of urging support for Trump.


Mr. Kasich has not been on the convention floor, an awkward situation for the governor of a state hosting a convention.

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