
Do You See What’s Missing From Paul Ryan’s Record-Breaking Intern Selfie?

“The kind of election we are so desperate to have is one where we earn the right to fix our country’s problem”.


Among the notable speakers scheduled to speak Tuesday are House Majority Leader Kevin Mccarthy And House Speaker Paul Ryan.

He replaced an Ohioan, John Boehner, as the House speaker.

Ryan also reiterated the importance of OH heading toward the November general election. (The full program is outlined at

Ryan, who grew up in Wisconsin and graduated from Ohio’s Miami University, did not appear to understand the fierce war that is Texas college football.

National security needs to be improved by rebuilding the American military, going on the offense against terrorism and securing USA borders. Morelli attended the breakfast and said Ryan’s address got the delegates charged up as the RNC gets underway. That is something we’re going to take on. “Yet we know better than most that Republicans can’t win just on the failures of Democrats”.

“What this does is it puts a chilling effect on jobs, on risk taking and on investment”.

U.S. Rep. Bill Shuster, R-Pennsylvania, complimented Ryan for shaping what he described as a ground-up agenda that House Republicans have supported.

“I’m not a vigilante”, he said.

“We’ve got to return the lawmaking power back to the legislative branch”, he said.

“It is Trump, or Clinton”, Ryan said, “That’s your choice”.

“Everyone is equal … everyone has a place … no one is written off, because there is worth and goodness in every life”, Ryan said.

“Scrap the tax code”.

“Guess what-Hillary Clinton doesn’t agree with any of this stuff”, Ryan said. “They are offering a third Obama term, brought to you by another Clinton”, he said. Kasich is attending events outside of the Republican National Convention but not participating in it. “We see a country where our fellow citizens, 7 out of 10 of them, think this country’s headed in the wrong direction”.


His comments came the morning after the nomination of Donald Trump for president to face likely Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton on November 8, which ended Ohio Republicans’ hopes for Ohio Gov. John Kasich as the nominee.

Paul Ryan is shown addressing the Pennsylvania delegation to the Republican National Convention on Monday morning. Seated at right is state House Speaker Mike Turzai