
Erie delegates lament Kasich’s absence at GOP convention

In May, Donald Trump Jr. quietly reached out to a former Kasich staffer to ask him if he would make overtures to his old Buckeye State boss about joining the ticket, the report claimed.


When Kasich’s adviser asked how this would be the case, Donald Jr. explained that his father’s vice president would be in charge of domestic and foreign policy.

Ivanka Trump tells NBC’s “Today” that, “I love Melania so much”.

Schwalbach says that Kasich has been active at the convention, and has spent time with the MI delegation.

Yesterday, Donald Trump became the official Republican candidate vying for the office of President of the United States this November.

Portman tells the OH delegation President Trump will be good for the nation.

John Kasich, a former congressman now popular OH governor, has taken heat this week from Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort, who called Kasich Petulant an embarrassment to his state.

Portman praised his vice president pick Indiana Gov. Mike Pence and said the Trump-Pence ticket is the “right ticket” for Ohio. “We’re good people. Believe that you can stand and make a difference in the way the world spins, believe that standing on principle and having ethics and integrity can make a huge deal”.

“Making America Great Again”, he said, according to the report.

Back in June, he told CBS’ John Dickerson it was “absolutely” a possibility for him to walk into the convention hall without endorsing Trump, and to date, he has not. He said he doesn’t agree with everything Trump says, but it’s time to rally around the nominee. Even he understood that he needed Kasich to win in OH, and give him a chance in the other Rust Belt states.

The Trump campaign’s irritation with Kasich boiled over Monday, the first day of a convention the Trump campaign hoped would be a show of party unity in support of him.

Strickland backers say he passed landmark legislation dealing with the mental health and children’s health care, and he signed more than 200 bills into law as governor.

Trump, his son and his campaign declined to respond to the Times’ attempts to confirm the story.

Kasich seems to have little use for Trump, Bischoff said. “I think what everybody is looking forward to is tomorrow night, Trump”. Kasich was bested by Trump in the presidential primaries and remains critical of the real estate mogul, refusing to attend the conventions main events.


Trump Campaign Chairman Paul Manafort had led a chorus the candidate’s surrogates denying Mrs. Trump’s speech contained any plagiarism, despite clear evidence to the contrary.

The Trump campaign reportedly reached out to a Kasich adviser with an unusual offer.   Joe Raedle  Getty Images