
No Replacement For Anton Yelchin, Director JJ Abrams Plans To Retire Character

Their film, the third in the rebooted series, was coming out in less than a month and a rigorous press tour was imminent. They put together a plan to free the crew. “That’s how we found the strength to be here…”


The convention is also celebrating 50 years of the hit television series and film franchise, “Star Trek”.

Despite the futuristic tilt in the title, “Star Trek Beyond” works best when it boldly goes retro.

The cast of Star Trek Beyond took flight at the film’s premiere on the opening night of San Diego Comic-Con on Wednesday.

Gone, too, were screenwriters Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman.

As written by actor Simon Pegg (whose credits include “Shaun of the Dead” and who also returns as chief engineer Montgomery Scott) and Doug Jung, “Beyond” spends measurable time on a variety of riffs and character moments with returning regulars.

Pegg says, “The decision to not shoot the script they… were developing and had spent money on came quite late, and it was in January of 2015 that we began working on a blank page”. In fact, he’s happy to compare them, stating he doesn’t think there’s much difference between filming action sequences in outer-space and filming vehicle chases.

There was already a crew in Vancouver waiting for directions on what to build for the set.

The 46-year-old actor also called Star Trek movies a social commentary and said, “I feel a responsibility to Star Trek“.

“This was probably the most fun I have ever had shooting a movie”.

In this case the alien villain is Krall, played by the great Idris Elba, almost unrecognizable beneath his fantastically cheesy Krall mask and makeup.

Zachary Quinto plays the Shakespeare-quoting Vulcan, Spock. Paul Walker died while “Furious 7” was still in production. Simply, people want to know when the Star Trek Beyond DVD release date will be. “I knew I would regret it if I said no, even though it felt like an insurmountable task”.

Sometimes in the white-hot center of summer, all we’re looking for is a whiz-bang sci-fi adventure saga featuring a host of familiar and beloved characters (and increasingly familiar faces) having another adventure that falls somewhere in the middle of the spectrum on their overall epic adventure.

The series will live on, of course.

But after a insane encounter with extraterrestrials, James T. Kirk (Chris Pine) is seriously considering a career change.


You will leave the theater enthralled and be gasping for more. “Films are always the dramatic moments in anybody’s lives and I like the fact that we started with the most undramatic, blase, monotonous everyday kind of feeling and it shows what it may be like to serve in any sort of capacity”.

Star Trek crew celebrate fandom at Comic Con launch