
Josh Earnest mum on whether he’d work for possible Biden campaign

The Democratic primary, of course, can’t be so easily broken down. The simple answer: Yes. Why? Fox News reported that the encounter stirred unease in the Clinton campaign at the prospect Biden was taking a campaign more seriously.


Trump believes Biden would be tougher to defeat than Clinton.

“I assume the American people who find themselves seeing the center class of this nation disappearing, large ranges of revenue and wealth inequality, (and) a marketing campaign finance system which is actually corrupt… need to transcend typical institution politics”, the socialist lawmaker advised ABC News. The renewed focus on Biden comes amid some signs of weakness for Clinton, together with declines in her favorability ratings amongst voters in current polling. It’s that kind of record and those kinds of distractions that will keep her off-balance and the Democratic party off-balance throughout the Clinton campaign… He is approachable, warm, and he embraces people. When he was just elected to the United States Senate at the age of 29, his wife and his daughter were tragically killed in that auto accident. He does the opposite and mixes and mingles as he did at a Jamaican restaurant in Miami previous year.

In her weekend column, which is front-loaded with criticism of the Clintons, Times columnist Maureen Dowd touches on the inspiration Beau reportedly gave to his father to run for the Oval Office. Should Biden run, it will make for an interesting campaign all around.

Biden isn’t rich either.

Then there are the life struggles that have played out on a national stage. However, according to several media sources, Beau Biden’s last wish was for his father to seek the Democratic Presidential nomination. But it appears not all Democrats are ready for the former Secretary of State.

Will Joe Biden take on Hillary Clinton for the Democratic presidential nomination? While Sanders has been moving up in the polls, he still lacks the national name recognition according to a recent Gallup poll. Vice President Biden has become an “active considerer” from all reports and Hillary’s not-so-swift start is very probably playing a big part in the “active consideration”.

Hillary Clinton’s e-mail troubles and soft poll numbers in some areas have reignited questions about a backup. Biden will also be involved in preparations for visits by Pope Francis and Chinese President Xi Jinping. She now trails Jeb Bush by one point, after leading him by 10 in May, and Biden leads Bush by one point, Dowd reported.

58 percent agreed Biden was “honest and trustworthy”, compared to 37 percent for Clinton. “Biden decent, smart pol but gets in trouble as a motormouth!” The same is not true for Clinton.


“I mean, we’ve got a country in turmoil”, he added. And he should be allowed to decide on his own timeframe.

Joe Biden