
Trump and Pence Unite as ‘Law-and-order’ Candidates

“I don’t care” that Pence voted in favor of going to war in Iraq when he was in Congress, Trump said. In particular, she emphasized that social conservatives have not necessarily been behind Trump, contrary to Bernstein’s analysis.


Commenting on the violence throughout the world this week ― from the terrorist attack in Nice, France, to the attempted coup in Turkey ― Trump again vowed to “declare war against ISIS” and was critical of North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, of which the United States and Turkey are both members. But it doesn’t necessarily give us the right to commit suicide, as a country, OK?

“(Trump) also needed a good, decent, honest person to tell him the truth, and in Mike Pence he got all of those things. “We have to wipe out ISIS”.

The lack of hoopla contrasted with Mitt Romney’s introduction four years ago of running mate Paul Ryan on the deck of a Navy battleship, the USS Wisconsin, off the shore of swing-state Virginia.

The real estate mogul said Pence was “entitled to make a mistake every once in a while”. “And part of it is that; a big part of it”. We need strong borders. They don’t have anything.

“Our voters have spoken, and this convention needs to reflect the will of those voters and we need to go out enthusiastically and work for the nominee of this party”. “And, and this campaign and Donald Trump’s candidacy has been about the issues the American people care about”.

The billionaire spoke for almost half an hour on Saturday as he introduced his pick for the man who could be America’s next vice president, calling Mr Pence onto the stage at the end.

Sara Fagen, former White House director of political affairs for George W. Bush, disagreed and said that she thinks Pence “brings a lot to the ticket”.

Trump praised Pence’s record as governor of IN, saying he will help push to create manufacturing jobs – a key domestic platform IN Trump’s campaign.


On Sunday morning, Trump was tweeting his disdain for Clinton, Sen. Trump complained that the CNN guests are “stacked for crooked Hillary” and that Fox News Channel is “much better and far more truthful than CNN”.

White House contenders Trump and Pence to address America