
‘I will win for you,’ Donald Trump to say in speech

Texas’ Cruz delivered a rousing speech on conservative ideals that was initially cheered. By the time Cruz was done speaking, delegates appeared to be in uniform revolt, providing thundering boos as Cruz left the stage.


Donald Trump’s former rival for the Republican nomination Ted Cruz has defended his decision not to endorse Mr Trump, saying he’s not the Republican presidential candidate’s “servile puppy dog”. “Stand, and speak, and vote your conscience, vote for candidates up and down the ticket who you trust to defend our freedom and to be faithful to the Constitution”, said Cruz. Visit us on Facebook to weigh in with your questions and watch the latest videos.

Mr Trump unexpectedly walked into the arena just as Mr Cruz was ending his remarks. “It got me here”, said Trump, who has fired up crowds with promises to create jobs, be tough on national security and ensure that foreign policy keeps American interests firmly at its heart.

North Atlantic Treaty Organisation chief Jens Stoltenberg told the AFP wire service that, while “I will not interfere in the USA election campaign”, he would say that “solidarity among allies is a key value for North Atlantic Treaty Organisation”.

The billionaire real estate mogul will also cast himself as a champion for blue-collar workers and the middle class, arguing that by putting presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton in the White House, economic strife would grow.

Most of the speculation about Cruz’s non-endorsement focused on potential future political calculations.

He put the presidential election firmly in the context of social unrest across the United States, lamenting how “partisan rancor, anger, even hatred, are tearing America apart”.

That, plus the new theme Trump has emphasized since five police officers were killed in Dallas: law and order.

“As you know, we’ve been frustrated in the past and we’ve suggested that Ted could help himself with some of the things that he could have done in the United States Senate in terms of apologizing to the majority leader for some of the comments he made. We owe our fallen heroes more than that”. Trump’s son Eric Trump, on CBS’ This Morning, labelled it “classless”. Less than an hour later, the former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said that Trump is the only candidate to meet the standards set by Cruz. But not Ted Cruz.

He fed the crowd self-deprecating jokes and a clear conservative message, defending Trump as a man “who never quits, who never backs down” in a message given a standing ovation. Ted Cruz’s dramatic refusal to endorse the GOP nominee from the convention stage. “Well, it seems to me that Trump really insulted Chris Christie, and Trump insulted Scott Walker and Marco Rubio”.

Mr Cruz was recounting to an audience how he had outlasted most of his 16 rivals for the Republican presidential nomination when a plane carrying the man who had won it, Donald Trump, flew overhead, interrupting him mid-speech.

But the Texas senator and longtime Trump nemesis who gave the most talked about speech of the night is nowhere to be seen. Cruz dropped out of the race in early May, finishing second to Trump in the delegate count.

Earnest said Mrs. Obama’s speech in 2008 drew widespread praise.

“I am not in the habit of supporting people who attack my wife and attack my father”, Cruz said of the Republican nominee.

In a direct appeal to Americans shaken by a summer of violence at home and around the world, Trump promised that if he takes office in January, “safety will be restored”.

The only way that Trump can rescue this convention from going down in history as one of the party’s worst is for him to somehow save the circus tonight. “He didn’t need to say that”. But that latter statement caused pro-Trump delegates to quickly turn on him, boo, and loudly implore him to endorse Trump.

But in another Facebook post in which the RNC showed off its “Day 3 in pictures”, Cruz is also conspicuously absent.


“Look, I think in the end, it’s not going to matter”, Paxton said.

Trump, in the key of Nixon Add to ...