
Can past speeches predict what Donald Trump will say tonight?

Ted Cruz was met with mixed reactions from Texas delegates this morning.


The convention began on Monday but the highlight of the first day, a speech by Trump’s wife, Melania, caused controversy because she used some lines that were similar to passages in an address by first lady Michelle Obama in 2008.

When asked how she would respond if Cruz made another run in the future, Pellegrino said, “He will never have my support”.

But some commentators saved a bit of wrath for Trump, saying that it was, at best, an extreme tactical error to allow Cruz to steal the spotlight. Still, his senator “hurt the Republican Party” today, he said.

It’s said that they have long memories in Texas.

He finished second to Trump in the delegate count during a campaign that featured personal attacks by the NY businessman on Cruz’s wife and father.

He says he’ll “watching and listening” but won’t “sit down, shut up, support the team”.

Following Donald Trump’s eventful, if not brilliant, interruption of Ted Cruz’s televised rally on Wednesday, reporters and pundits were left wondering whether the former presidential rival would endorse his bitter enemy.

He adds that, “We either stand for shared principles or we’re not worth anything”.

Wednesday night Trump wasn’t so harsh, tweeting that he let Cruz speak even after seeing his remarks and that it was “No big deal!”

Donald Trump has faced criticism for his hiring practices and treatment of women in his businesses.

“I am not in the habit of supporting people who attack my wife and who attack my father”, he said.

I was sitting near a chemical engineer from Tennessee who said he’d been a Cruz supporter. The senator who is believed to be considering another presidential bid in 2020 drew heavy boos from Trump delegates and undermined the efforts of convention planners to project Republican unity in the wake of Trump’s primary victory.

Mr Pence, an experienced politician and favourite of conservatives, lauded Mr Trump as his own man, an independent spirit, and said change in the country will be “huge” under his presidency.

“We could not allow Ted Cruz to use the Adelsons as a prop against Donald Trump”, senior Adelson aide Andy Abboud told CNN.


Chuck Bradford, of Mantorville, a bound alternate delegate for Cruz, said Cruz had other ways to make his point.

Sen. Ted Cruz R-Texas walks from the podium after speaking during the Republican National Convention on Wednesday in Cleveland