
Artist Builds “Border Wall” Around Trump’s Hollywood Star

“I knew this week was the Republican Convention and I suppose I was capitalising on the momentum of the convention”, he said.


On Tuesday, Donald Trump secured the Republican nomination for president.

“Building a wall around anything isolates it, if you want to get heavy about it we can look at the trouble in the USA and the threat to people, and that threat generally isn’t coming from outside the borders, it’s American citizens within the US. I think Trump will actually set this country back about 30 years”, he added.

It’s an itty-bitty wooden wall surrounding Trump’s star on the iconic Hollywood Walk of Fame.

A street artist employed a unique way to protest Donald Trump’s proposal to build a wall along the Mexican border to keep immigrants out of the United States.

Los Angeles based artist Plastic Jesus placed multiple “No Kardashian Parking” signs around Los Angeles.

While not paid for by Mexico in this case, the wall is otherwise evocative of Trump’s preferred immigration reform tactic, constructed out of cement and topped with barbed wire.

Well recently a street artist by the name of Plastic Jesus took to the Walk to make a statement, and has certainly done just that.

The bio on his official website describes his work to be ‘inspired by world news events, society, the urban environment, culture and politics.


On his Twitter, Plastic Jesus joked that Mexico didn’t have to pay for this wall. This is not his first piece of anti-Trump art: he also sells “No Trump Anytime” signs.
