
Prince George Celebrates 3rd Birthday With New Portraits

The royal tot turns three today, and to celebrate, Kensington Palace has shared new portraits.


The photos were taken at the Duke and Duchess’ country home in Norfolk in England’s east. They are accusing Kate and William of animal cruelty because Prince George offering Lupo some of his ice cream.

Kensington Palace released some adorable images for Prince George’s 3rd birthday and instead of just enjoying them for what they are people are focusing on one thing. Now, since the royal family is known to be frugal at big events (Christmas presents include homemade jams or gag gifts), Prince George’s third birthday is likely to be marked by a cake and a family party. The photographers made series of pictures, Prince George clearly doesn’t understand what the birthday means but smiled a lot with a great pleasure in front of cameras.

The author of picture Matt Porteous said: “I really enjoyed the opportunity to take these photographs of Prince George”.

Four images have been issued by the royal couple showing the young prince at play on a swing and with the family dog Lupo.

George is behind his grandfather, Prince Charles, and his father William in the line of succession.

There’s also a happy snap of Prince George sharing his food with the family’s pet dog Lupo.


In other words, Prince George is a typical little boy. It was a very relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere.

Happy third birthday, Prince George!