
Inmate charged with murder escapes police custody in Broward County

Stern’s arrest report details a planned escape and getaway that included a change of clothes, including a police uniform, boots and gun belt, and 17-year-old identical twins – who were also arrested – in court to signal when the getaway auto was in place at a predesignated location south of the New River, near the courthouse.


Escaped suspect Dayonte Resiles as he ran from BC courthouse.

“I was totally shocked”, Williams said, calling the escape “completely out of character”.

Resiles removed his jail uniform, handcuffs and shackles and ran down a stairwell and got into Stern’s auto.

While awaiting a hearing Friday morning, 21-year-old Dayonte Resiles jumped out of the jury box inside a courtroom and ran from the Broward County Courthouse. Police followed up on several leads Friday searching through neighborhoods and apartments.

It is not known how he managed to escape his shackles, but a prosecutor told affiliate WSVN that a woman inside the courtroom had stood up and clapped loudly – perhaps providing a distraction.

“We have begun an investigation under the direction of internal affairs”.

Police believe Resiles is still inside the courthouse facility.

The courthouse is on lockdown, according to the Broward County Sheriff’s Office.

The driver, Russell, had a change of clothes waiting for Resiles that included a police uniform. “We will do everything we can to bring him back into custody safely”. He was last seen wearing a white T-shirt and black shorts.

Resiles faces murder charges in the September 2014 killing of Jill Halliburton Su, grand-niece of Halliburton Co. founder Erie P. Halliburton. One deputy apparently grabbed hold of Resiles’ collar, but the inmate sprung free. Resiles has pleaded not guilty and his attorney is trying to get the death penalty off the table. He has pleaded not guilty to the charges.

“There is only two ways to get out of cuffs-either they weren’t put on tight or you have a cuff key”, Israel said.


“I thought it was a joke”, Williams said.

Accused Murderer Escapes Broward County Courthouse Manhunt Underway