
Donald Trump to close Republican convention with bid to unite party

Cruz stole the spotlight Wednesday night when he refused to endorse Trump during his prime-time speech.


There’s only one reason Chris Christie thinks Ted Cruz’s speech is very bad and selfish – because he refused to worship at the altar of Donald Trump.

Cruz’s speech last night, which caused the Quicken Loans Arena to break into boos, also disappointed many members of his own delegation.

Arizona delegate Loraine Pellegrino said she voted for Cruz in the primary but Wednesday’s speech changed her opinion of him.

“I am not in the habit of supporting people who have attacked my wife and attacked my father”, said Cruz, who was greeted at the breakfast by both raucous cheers and visceral questions.

Democrat Hillary Clinton, in a tweet, quickly echoed Cruz, saying, “Vote your conscience”. “And I’ll tell you this morning, and going forward, I don’t intend to say negative things about Donald Trump”.

He said that republican nominee for President of the US Donald Trump “will rebuild our military and stand with our allies (and he) will confront radical Islamic terrorism at its source and destroy the enemies of our freedom”, reiterating “if the world knows nothing else, it will know this, America stands with Israel”.

Cleveland: Donald Trump’s daughter promised Thursday that her father will fight for equal pay for women and affordable childcare for parents, issues the Republican nominee has rarely if ever addressed on the campaign trail.

But to the extent that the media are focused on the Trump campaign’s spats with Ted Cruz and John Kasich, it’s diverting the media spotlight that otherwise would be focused on the Trump campaign’s message.

“On the Clinton profile, there was a lot of conversation around Gov. Pence, but it is as what you think – not necessarily flattering towards the governor”, Venet said.

The newly crowned Republican nominee had hoped for a triumphant turn at the podium, but he has instead been plagued by fresh political and policy headaches: His most tenacious primary rival, Sen.

After Trump introduced his running mate – in a much shorter statement than the one he gave Saturday – Pence thanked his patron and added: “I’m convinced what begins in Cleveland will end in the White House”. “Don’t stay home in November”, Cruz urged the audience.

“Some will say, I wish I had a different choice”, Duffy said. As The Washington Post’s Chris Cillizza writes, “Cruz is also banking on the idea that Trump will lose in such a way that it will cause a Post-election reckoning by the Republican party who supported him”.


“He’s going to have a tough race”, he said.

Pence fans