
First Cedar Creek Baptist Church VBS set for July 25-29

The children will enjoy songs, crafts, games, goodies and daily dramas. At 9 a.m. Sunday, a special worship service will be held in the historic chapel. The event will feature the youth mass choir.


– Kitchen Branch Missionary Baptist Church will be hosting a Male Chorus Gospel Fest beginning at 3:30 p.m.For further information, contact the Rev. Janet Cherry at 910-876-0907 or Sis. Worship: Pine Ridge Quartet. A covered dish lunch will follow the worship service.

“It’s a chance for us to come together as a unified community”, James said.

Antioch Baptist Church in Madison will have its annual Homecoming and Revival services Sunday through Friday, July 24-29.

FARRELL – Community Missionary Baptist Church, 1013 Emerson Ave., continues their anniversary celebration series with the presentation of “Phenomenal Women of the Bible” at 5 p.m. Sunday. Evangelist: Chalk Artist Scotty McDowell of International Edifying Christ Ministries. Guest will be Rev. Lacey Miles and First Baptist Church of Calhoun Heights. Rev. Isaiah Banks of Second Pilgrim Baptist Church, Elder Betty Howard of St. Stephens Baptist Church, Minister Natasha Fagans of Ford Memorial Temple, and Rev. Paul Thomas of AME Union Church will be the guest preachers. The Rev. Shawn Sales is pastor. Sunday school is at 9:30 a.m. and worship service beginning at 10:45 a.m. Speaker: Clint Davis of Mt.

Pleasant Shade Baptist Church is ministering to the mind, body and soul with the reinforcement of grammar, writing and math through the teaching of self awareness, creativity, faith in God and our community. Pastor: Connie M. Smith.

Hillcrest Baptist Church Counseling Ministry will have a cancer support group from 6-8 p.m., in Building F, Room 312. Rev. Alvin Bunch of Springfield Baptist Church, Waverly Hall, Ga. will be the guest speaker. Guest speaker will be Rev. Bobby J. Harris, pastor of Bethlehem Missionary Baptist Church. Please send résumés to: Dwight Durrett, Chairman of the Deacons, Plainview Baptist Church, 2700 Toro Church Road, Hornbeck, LA. For more information, call the church at 393-2661.

Friendship Missionary Baptist Church will host a prayer vigil service to focus on peace and unity in Colquitt county. Deadline to sign up is July 27. Ages K through Grade 5 completed are invited!

New Bethel Baptist Church will celebrate its Homecoming at 2:30 p.m.

The Mohorn Baptist Church, Rev. Nicholas Thomas, Sr -Pastor, will be hosting its Annual Summer Revival, beginning on August 2 – 4 at 7 p.m. nightly. The breakfast is free, but donations are accepted. To learn more, call Bernie Edwards at (310) 714-5168. No admission charge. A love offering will be taken. A love offering will be received.

Summer Grove Baptist Church, Shreveport: ReGroup Conference, Aug. 13. Kickoff starts with a Sunday evening picnic in the church shelter. Youth will receive a Back-To-School bag with supplies.


Prayer and praise will begin at 7 p.m. Cost: $10 (payable at the door). To apply, call the church office at (334) 347-5195.
