
Benghazi Victim’s Mother: “Donald Trump is Everything Hillary Clinton is Not”

John Tiegen, also a member of that team, told the audience they were busy killing some of the attackers while “good old Hillary” was thousands of miles away safely watching footage from a drone aircraft.


“Donald Trump’s overtaking of the Republican Party – and his constant escalation of outrageous rhetoric – is in danger of mainstreaming the kind of hatred that has always been relegated to the fringes of American politics where it belongs”, Jennifer Palmieri said. But many focused on ripping presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton over issues that had nothing to do with economics. “I blame Hillary Clinton personally for the death of my son – personally”.

Republicans hailed a report last month by the GOP majority on the special House committee that spent more than two years and $7 million investigating Benghazi.

Hope Hicks, a spokeswoman for Trump, said in a statement reported by the Post that, “Mr. Trump and the campaign do not agree” that Clinton should be executed.

Tiegen also expressed criticism that he did not receive a medal for his actions during the Benghazi fight.

At an overall level, Trump’s rise may appear linear – his support increased in the aggregate with each survey over the course of the primary – but in actuality, voters’ preferences over this period were remarkably fluid, it said.

The grieving mother who lost her only son left this question with Republican assembly.

In a 30-minute address, Geist and Tiegen said they defied a “stand down” order by a local Central Intelligence Agency station chief to try to rescue Stevens and others at the diplomatic outpost.

Former “Happy Days” and “Charles In Charge” Scott Baio told the crowd that Trump was a “man who wants to get things done” and “wants to be president for all of us”. Tiegen co-authored the book “13 Hours”, an account of the attacks that later was made into a big-budget movie.


Republicans kicked off their presidential nominating convention in Cleveland with a message of strength and security, after a series of attacks and instability overseas, as well as violent shootings across the United States.