
Ted Cruz Booed Off RNC Stage for Refusing to Endorse Donald Trump

“It’s not just my club; We either stand for shared principles or we are not worth anything”, he said. He felt Cruz gave “a wasted speech” in the convention hall Wednesday night and again Thursday morning. Arguably, it may have been the most open-hearted, liberal-minded speech to be delivered at this convention, which puts the rest of the Republican pontificators at this gathering somewhere to the right of Cruz, one of the most conservative politicians in America.


The obvious explanation for the haphazard and disjointed convention lineup is that Donald Trump didn’t do the work necessary to craft a better convention – either one that was more entertaining for viewers or one that more effectively promoted the major themes of Trump’s campaign. The Texas senator added: “This is not politics …” Ted Cruz’s dramatic refusal to endorse him from the convention stage. In other words, he should have known bucking this trend was hopeless.

“Donald Trump is one of the greatest visionaries of our time”, he said.

Editor’s Note: The headline of this story has been changed to reflect that not all members of Arizona’s delegation were angered by Cruz’s speech.

Many people around the world may be surprised that the most vocal challenge to Donald Trump comes not from the American political centre but from the right of the Republican Party. It was as conservative of a speech as any we’ve heard. They like Ted Cruz, but there was no way the Adelsons were going to be the first stop after not endorsing. Attendees also took aim at Ted Cruz’s wife, Heidi, yelling “Goldman Sachs!” He’s certainly not stupid, so where did he go wrong?

The GOP presidential nominee said he’ll also abandon what he calls the “nation building” and “regime change” policies pushed by his Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton, when she was secretary of state. Trump said. “I saw his speech two hours early but let him speak anyway”. In fact, as ridiculous as this may seem to Americans who are already exhausted of the 2016 presidential race, there is little doubt that Republican jostling well underway – in the 2020 race. These are the new voters who flocked to the GOP this winter and spring to vote in primaries for the first time.

“Trump’s supporters really and truly don’t understand how well he constantly plays them”, Wolf wrote.

As the balloons and confetti fell over the Quicken Loans Arena after Trump finished, even the music seemed to acknowledge the party’s situation: The Rolling Stones’ “You Can’t Always Get What You Want”.

The congressman suggested that Cruz lacked this sense of esprit de corps, and linked it to Cruz’s famous dig at Trump’s “New York values” on an Iowa debate stage months ago. But Cruz is smart enough to know that it is impossible to predict whether this will help or hurt him four years hence.

Maria Farias, vice chairwoman of the Bexar County GOP, said she did not buy Cruz’s reluctance to back Trump because he attacked the Cruz family.

Warren made the comment Thursday night during an appearance on “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert”.


Nationwide polls put Trump, who has never held elected office, nearly neck and neck with Clinton, the former secretary of state heavily criticized over an email scandal. After Trump secured the nomination, he vowed to campaign for the developer, arguing that all Republicans should work to deny Hillary Clinton the White House. This is a case of being too clever by half.

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