
Trump to Cruz: I don’t want your endorsement

But while insisting that the four-day confab brought “amazing” unity to divided Republicans, Trump harshly criticized his erstwhile rival Ted Cruz for pointedly declining in a convention speech to endorse his candidacy.


“That pledge [to endorse the eventual nominee] was not a blanket commitment that if you go and slander and attack Heidi, that I’m going to nonetheless come like a puppy dog and say thank you very much for maligning my wife and maligning my father”, he said, according to television station WFAA in Dallas.

Trump said people have praised him for his “incredible” primary run but told his backers that “nothing’s incredible unless I win”.

Trump suggested Cruz – in snubbing Trump at the convention, may have “ruined his political career”, – and he accused Cruz at the last minute of swapping out remarks in his convention speech to make it clear he wasn’t endorsing Trump: “To me that’s dishonorable, that’s not a nice thing to do”. “Simply put, Trump again tapped into Americans’ frustrations”. “Ted, stay home. Relax”.

Law said he didn’t have anything specific he needed to hear from Trump during the nominee’s major speech on Thursday evening, adding that “I’m under his spell”.

Amy Tarkanian said she’s still learning more about Trump’s policy positions and family because she spent much of the primary season supporting Carly Fiorina and John Kasich.

This morning in Cleveland Sen. “And, I think, voters across Pennsylvania are going to completely separate the two races in their minds”, Toomey said. “But when I walked out on stage and saw all of you, it was an incredible source of encouragement to me”.

Ivanka Trump introduced her father, Donald J. Trump, on the final night of the Republican National Convention, referencing his construction experience as credentials for the presidency. All I did was point out the fact that on the cover of the National Enquirer, there was a picture of him and insane Lee Harvey Oswald having breakfast. “No matter how conservative you are, you never can meet Ted’s standard”, Coats told IndyStar.

“We say our children are not worth anything so we kill them”.


Cruz, in May, had denied that his father was in the photo.

Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson left speaks with the hosts of Fox and Friends. Sen. Ted Cruz right speaks to the Republican National Convention at the Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland Ohio