
Trump officially accepts GOP nomination to cap off RNC

He’s the official Republican nominee. Less than an hour later, the former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said that Trump is the only candidate to meet the standards set by Cruz.


A protester from Code Pink briefly interrupted Trump’s speech Thursday night, unfurling a banner that read “Build bridges, not walls”. However, per political tradition, he did not formally accept the nomination until the end of the convention.

NY delegate and Nassau County GOP Chairman Joe Mondello has attended every Republican convention since 1976.

California delegate Shawn Steel said Ivanka Trump’s speech was “the high point of the entire convention for me”. “Now, I am seeing him fight for his country”.

Some Minnesota delegates says a good way to do that would be for Trump to say he’s sorry for his attacks on GOP competitors.

From there, Cruz’s speech was notable not for the predictable attacks on President Obama and Hillary Clinton – indeed, by the lock-her-up standards of the Republican convention here, Cruz sounded positively, uncharacteristically mild – but for its resounding silence on his party’s nominee, a man he had described as a “pathological liar”, a “narcissist” and “utterly amoral”.

She added that her stepmother is “a very private person, and for her to come out on stage and speak from the heart” is significant. “I think he was successful in that”.

Experts said the brash billionaire will need to convince viewers who are on the fence that he can act in a way fitting of a president, as critics have blasted him for what they say is being hot headed and bombastic. Sometimes, if you fly over a state enough, the people just stop working. “We’re going to see the beginning of a dynasty here”.

To conservatives who question his decision to join the Trump ticket, Pence had a ready answer: “While we’re filling the presidency for the next four years, this election will define the Supreme Court for the next 40”.

Among the children, Ivanka is the one who is often the bridge to women voters and seems to have the mission of selling her father’s softer side.

Trump said he’ll turn what he believes are bad trade deals into great ones for the United States.

MANAFORT: Well, I’m not sure which course you think it is, but as far as I’m concerned, the party is unified.

The Republican presidential nominee also said he won’t let US companies relocate to other countries – laying off workers in the process – “without consequences”.

“My message is that things have to change – and they have to change right now”.

All in all, the ultimate drama was inside the convention as Trump accepted the nomination and Cleveland witnessed fireworks by the Cuyahoga River.

Trump’s appeal in a place like the Iron Range is certainly more expansive than a candidate like Mitt Romney, who was beaten thoroughly there in 2012. Despite liking those qualities, however, Wuller said it’s not enough to make her cast her vote for Donald Trump.

I find it nothing short of hilarious how so many seasoned political journalists (including many of my colleagues – and betters – at Fox) are visibly shocked and appalled by what Cruz did last night.


The speech reiterated Trump’s belief that Clinton should face criminal charges for her mishandling of classified emails during her tenure in the State Department. It was impossible to watch him as he prepared to speak Wednesday night and not imagine the thought bubble hovering above his head: “Coulda”.

NBC: 'Judas Cruz' 'Blew Himself Up' With RNC Speech