
Trump Says He’ll Never Accept Endorsement From Cruz

Walker’s mantra of the night was “America deserves better”, stating that a vote for anyone other than Trump would be a vote for the presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.


“I like Ted, he’s fine”, Trump said sarcastically at his campaign headquarters in Cleveland, as his running mate, Mike Pence, chuckled behind him. “The attacks on our police and the terrorism in our cities, threaten our very way of life”.

Balloons and confetti fell after Trump’s 75-minute speech Thursday night.. He did sound like a different sort of Republican at times, though, making no mention of abortion-a core issue for many Republicans.

Trump also challenged Republican orthodoxy as he promised to end multilateral trade deals and limit American intervention in global crises.

Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is shown at a rally last week with Sen.

Speaking to “the forgotten men and women of our country”, the people who “work hard but no longer have a voice”, he declared: “I am your voice”. And he vowed to protect gays and lesbians from violence and oppression, a pledge that was greeted with applause from the crowd.

Trump also got in to the disagreement which Cruz said prompted his non-endorsement. Both are familiar with the selection process and spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss it publicly.

Trump dwelled at length on illegal immigrants and lawless Americans, saying they are as unsafe for the nation’s security as the Islamic State (IS) and Syrian refugees. In doing so, Trump advisers said, he sought to win over undecided voters sickened by recent violence against police officers and anxious about safety, yet are unsure if Mr. Trump has the temperament and abilities to be commander in chief. He then proclaimed that “I am your voice” to the American people. He also recited homicide rates in American cities and the thousands of illegal immigrants with criminal records, promising to control violence at home and overseas. “And I believe we’re going to make it even better”.

Tim Kaine is the leading contender, according to a pair of Democrats familiar with Clinton’s search.

It was an altogether smoother – and more scripted – chapter in a footloose convention shocked a night earlier by Cruz’s prime-time speech, a pointed non-endorsement of the nominee by the Texas senator who finished second in the race and came to Cleveland harboring grievances – and future presidential ambitions. The statements included agreeing the national government should do everything within its power to extinguish radical Islamic terrorism, support the nation’s troops both overseas and once they return home and to return the power of Washington, D.C. back to state and local governments. “Now, I am seeing him fight for his country”.

The operatic quality of the first three days of the convention anxious some Republicans.

So, as controversy continues to surround Trump’s candidacy and the Republican Party, can the businessman and reality star win the USA presidency?

Trump chose his running mate, Gov. Mike Pence of IN, haphazardly, and then gave statements that collided with Pence’s beliefs.


After a week where the unity of the Republican Party stands in question, Trump did little to appease the naysayers, despite calling the convention one of the most “love-filled conventions in the history of conventions”.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump says he doesn’t want — and wouldn’t accept — the endorsement of Sen. Ted Cruz R-Texas his former rival for the party nomination