
Police looking for missing 10-year-old Buckeye boy

Dozens of volunteers joined the search on Wednesday and Thursday, though temperatures in the area have reached more than 100 degrees every day this week.


Police say the 10-year-old boy, Jesse Wilson, is believed to have left the family home in Buckeye through an open window sometime Sunday evening, the Arizona Republic reported.

Police also say Jesse has disappeared from home before, however, he has never been gone from home for this long.

Police told KPHO they had not ruled out foul play. Don’t forget to watch INSIDE EDITION at 6:30 p.m. weekdays.

Police are going to survey the vast desert by air on Friday and use law enforcement officers to search for Jesse Wilson on foot and ATVs. The FBI was also notified and they’ve sent a detective to help with the investigation.

The missing boy was a student of Goodyear’s Bradley Academy, and according to the school’s president Daniel Hughes staff and students are devastated that Wilson is missing.

Jesse is described as being about 4-feet tall and weighing about 60 pounds. The child reportedly has a “very close connection” to the school. He was last seen wearing a red shirt, shorts, black socks and black shoes.


The circumstances around Jesse’s disappearance aren’t clear: One volunteer says she “question[s] the whole story”, noting Wilson called the local Buckeye Police Department rather than 911 when she found her son missing, and initially didn’t want a photo of Jesse circulated.

Phoenix-area police continue search for missing boy