
Hillary Clinton speaks at the NAACP conference

Donald Trump insults Mexican immigrants, even an American judge born of Mexican heritage. Donald Trump is not attending the event. “She deserves to be in stripes”, she said.


As Republicans gather at their party’s convention this week, they can also celebrate a new poll that has their presumptive nominee gaining nationally. And that’s not just a huge loss to our democracy it is a threat to our democracy.

While it would be illegal for Clinton’s campaign to register only those voters most likely to vote for her, the voter drive appears skewed in favor of attracting likely Democratic voters.

Later Thursday, Clinton faced a series of protests during an address to the annual convention of the American Federal of Teachers, a union that endorsed her over a year ago.

So far, over-enthusiastic speakers yelling at top of their lungs and Melania Trump plagiarizing a 2008 speech by Michelle Obama have been the only highlights of the RNC. Polls carried out by the New York Times have found that African-American voters may not support Trump.

At a time when the reeling from the ambush and murder of almost a dozen police officers within less than two weeks, and tensions between blacks and police are at a decades-long high, Trump is touting as the “law and order” candidate.

While Clinton feels that there has been progress in some communities building those relationships, between police departments and the public, she says that there is still much work to do and the recent trend of attacks on officers has to stop. “We have hard, painful, essential work ahead of us to fix the bonds between our police and communities and between and among each other”.

“We didn’t disqualify Hillary Clinton to be President of the United States – the facts of her life and her career disqualify her”. The shooting was the fourth high-profile deadly encounter involving police over the past two weeks.

In a recent Gallup poll, the only two institutions in the USA that now have majority popular support are the military and the police, at a time when Americans take a dim view on most institutions, especially Congress.

Founded in 1909, the NAACP is America’s oldest and largest civil rights organization, campaigning to end racial discrimination.

Clinton “is a disgrace for the lies she told those mothers about their children”, Al Baldasaro, a state lawmaker in a radio interview Tuesday.

He said the talking issues were of her character, of her failed leadership, of her personal issues whereby she has put personal interest above political interest or has used levers of power as secretary of state to advance interest of the Clinton Foundation or other certain donors of hers.


The NAACP gave her a warm welcome yesterday.

RNC Convention Hillary Clinton Sees 'Wizard of Oz&#039 Performance by Donald Trump in Cleveland