
Donald Trump accepts Republican nomination Updated

Ivanka Trump, daughter of Republican Presidential Nominee Donald J. Trump, speaks during the final day of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Thursday, July 21, 2016.


Republicans had hoped that the convention would give Trump entrée to those voters by exploring what organizers called the facets of his personality that are not as well-known as his building empire.

It’s far too late in the game to expect Donald Trump to abandon his nativist and Republican sacred cow-slaughtering platform, but it also far beyond time that he started injecting some more policy into his politics to try to convince the doubters that his platform might actually be workable. He set aside much of his usual bravado.

Not long into his speech, he deflected crowd chants of “Lock her up!” by saying he would beat Mrs Clinton in November.

He offered himself as a powerful ally of those who feel Washington has left them behind. I have seen him fight for his employees. “We can not afford to be so politically correct anymore”.

He accused Clinton, his far-more-experienced Democratic rival, of utterly lacking the good judgment to serve in the White House and as the military’s commander in chief.

“This is the legacy of Hillary Clinton: death, destruction, terrorism and weakness”, he said.

According to Falwell Jr., his father had a dream that he told Chelsea Clinton that the three greatest threats facing America were “Osama, Obama and your mama”.

Trump accused Clinton of committing “terrible, bad crimes”. He said Clinton’s use of a personal email and mishandling of classified information while secretary of state amounted to a new level of corruption.

After that episode, Pence, the IN governor and a favorite of conservatives who have decidedly mixed feelings about Trump, tried to make his mark to a nation that knows little about him. Her greatest accomplishment, Trump said, was avoiding punishment from the Federal Bureau of Investigation for her use of a private email and personal server while as secretary of state. “Beginning on January 20, 2017, safety will be restored”, Trump said. In a primary election unlike any in U.S. history, Mr Trump has defeated 16 rivals and upended traditional Republican politics with a campaign focused relentlessly on himself.

Trump said his proposal to build a wall along the U.S. -Mexican border is a way of taking a hard line on immigration laws – and he says that approach is “considerate and compassionate to everyone”.

And efforts to present Trump’s family members as his character witnesses were mired by revelations that a section of his wife’s speech contained plagiarized material.

The theme of the night “Make American One Again”, strikes a note with voters frustrated by recent attacks against police and growing racial tension. “He’ll never upstage Trump”, he said.

Trump doubled down on defining his campaign by another slogan, “America First”, in an interview with The New York Times on Wednesday, despite concerns within the Jewish community over its historical connotations.

He had promised to describe “major, major” tax cuts. But his economic proposals Thursday night were vague, centering on unspecified plans to create millions of jobs.

This is to say nothing of independents or even Democrats for whom the promise of jobs returning to depressed areas of the country might matter more than any larger ideological or moral concerns.

“We must work with all of our allies who share our goal of destroying ISIS and stamping out Islamic terrorism”, he said. “It wasn’t that easy”, Trump said.

“Mr. Trump was my fifth choice, but she has said all along that he would surround himself with capable people”, he said.

Trump also called for pulling out USA troops from South Korea, noting that if we hadn’t stayed on the peninsula after the Korean conflict, “maybe you would have had a unified Korea”.

Instead, the speech, the most anticipated event of the four-day convention, was a slightly more formal, if lengthy, version of the one Trump has been delivering in the 13 months since he entered the race.

He took aim at President Barack Obama for basing his trade policy on negotiating multinational agreements in Asia and Europe. He rejected the party, even though it’s now led by the “outsider” Trump. Trump paused as the woman was escorted off the convention floor before resuming his remarks.

The GOP presidential nominee paused for almost a minute while waiting for police to remove her.


Accepting the Republican presidential nomination, Donald Trump pledged to restore law and order to America, to put “America First” in world affairs and to work with Israel – which he called “our greatest ally in the region”.

No Unity No Victory