
At Comic-Con, celebs keep one eye on that other convention

“Even if you’re not a Comic-Con fan and this is your first time, you get to learn why people love it so much and the involvement from NBC and the involvement from other studios, publishers, comic companies”, Glanzer said.


Zoë Saldana turned heads in an ethereal light blue dress that showed off plenty of skin at the Star Trek Beyond premiere, which opened San Diego’s Comic-Con on Wednesday. This week’s Comic-Con is expected to draw more than 160,000 fans for high-energy sessions featuring casts and crews from such films and TV shows as “Game of Thrones”, “Star Trek”, “Suicide Squad”, “South Park“, “Teen Wolf”, “Aliens” and “The Walking Dead”.

Marie McLendon, 28, who traveled from Houston for her second Comic-Con said she was particularly excited to see what Warner Bros. had in store.

“Maybe we do actually get to put our differences aside and we become tolerant and loving and we all work together to do one thing, which is to explore the galaxy”, he said.

“I thought it was going to be mayhem, but there is such a handsome hush here”.

The annual multi-genre entertainment and comic convention dubbed “San Diego Comic Con” (SDCC 2016) is going on in California.

Simon Pegg penned the screenplay on “Star Trek Beyond” as well as playing the engineer Scotty, and praised the franchise for being inclusive.

The premiere event included a tribute to the late Anton Yelchin (seen at left with Chris Pine and John Cho in a scene from Star Trek Beyond). “It’s interesting that the film still holds up after all these years”.


It’s no surprise, then, that San Diego Comic-Con is now full of some wonderful costumes that are super creative and super critical of traditional gender roles.

More than 100,000 comic book sci-fi and cosplay enthusiasts are converging on San Diego for Comic-Con