
Donald Trump ‘Will Not Accept’ If Ted Cruz Endorses Him

Never-Trump Is No More: Where Do They Go Now? The businessman has called the senator “Lyin’ Ted” and the senator branded Trump a “pathological liar” and “serial philanderer”.


He returned to the stage later in the evening – not too long after the crowd chanted “We Want Trump!” – joining his running mate, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, who officially accepted the nomination as the party’s choice for vice president.

Both Cruz and the Trump campaign acknowledge that Wednesday night wasn’t a surprise. “This is the worst possible thing he could have done”. Trump-Pence in 2016. Trump sealed it with an awkward air peck at the end of Pence’s speech.

Ted Cruz is bitter, totally ticked off, and he just isn’t going to say it. “I am not encouraging anyone to write my name in”.

Trump repeatedly tried to court Bernie Sanders supporters, attacking trade deals, calling the Chinese “the greatest currency manipulators ever” and insisting that Clinton was in the pocket of big business, the mainstream media and mega donors. “I am proud to be a Republican, but most of all I am proud to be an American”.

After the last night of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, late-night hosts Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Kimmel made Donald Trump the main targets of their monologue missiles.

But for now, a Cruz aide told me it’s about politics, not personal attacks.

In many ways, it was a perfectly symbolic moment in an increasingly chaotic and disorderly convention. Donald Trump began the day as the party’s official presidential nominee, and apparently, under the impression that stifling dissent is tantamount to achieving unity.

Some, like Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, made an impassioned case to vote for Trump.

“The well-connected in Washington are standing behind Hillary Clinton because Hillary Clinton is one of them”.

First he got boo’d off the stage for wrapping his speech neglecting to actually endorse the Republican nominee, as he had pledged to do-in writing and memorialized with his signature.

“Don’t stay home in November”, Cruz said. “The standard that I apply is, which candidate do I trust to defend the Constitution?” said Cruz. You can hear him on the Nixon tapes demanding that one person or another who had wronged him have their tax returns audited by the IRS. Security escorted his wife, Heidi, out of the arena after the speech, CNN reported.

Cruz’s speech seemed to amount to a political bet that Trump will lose the election, and opting not to throw his lot in with the nominee will preserve his fortunes in 2020. But Hillary Clinton’s campaign has already declared Pence the “most extreme” vice presidential candidate “in a generation”. Just look at the debacle over the plagiarism scandal surrounding Melina Trump’s speech on Monday. It’s called Trump Yourself.

The Suffolk University survey found Clinton and Trump tied at 44 percent, with 11 percent of voters still undecided. Joni Ernst; Donald Trump Jr., who talked about learning to hunt in Pennsylvania; and today, the prospective veep. He said the three words “that should instill absolute and total terror in your hearts and minds: Justice”.

The Indiana governor was chosen in no small part because he was, well, a safe pick, someone who conservatives in the party could easily embrace as one of their own.

-With assistance from Joshua Green, Sahil Kapur, John McCormick and Steven Dennis.


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Vice Presidential nominee Gov. Mike Pence of Indiana smiles as he sits during the second day session of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland on Tuesday