
WSJ Poll: Clinton Retains 5-Point Lead Over Trump Heading Into Conventions

His endorsement, five weeks after Mrs. Clinton became the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, brought the most prominent holdout in the party’s liberal wing into her camp.


While Trump has aired zero ads, Clinton has been piping thousands of commercials into the homes of swing-state voters in places like Florida, Ohio, North Carolina and Virginia.

In Virginia, Clinton’s lead increases nine points to 44 to 35 percent. The pro-Clinton super PAC Priorities USA is also airing thousands of spots calling Trump “too risky for America”. “And there is no doubt in my mind that, as we head into November, Hillary Clinton is far and away the best candidate to do that”, he told a raucous crowd in Portsmouth, N.H., that included plenty of vocal Bernie Sanders supporters.

The presumptive Democratic nominee also leads the presumptive Republican nominee in the battleground states of Colorado, Florida and North Carolina, according to the survey.

Hillary Clinton enters the summer damaged by perceptions that she violated the law by using a private email system while serving as secretary of state, a new Associated Press-GfK poll finds.

Finally, Clinton led Trump comfortably in Virginia, 44 per cent to 35 per cent, CNN reported citing the poll. In a two-way vote in Colorado, Clinton defeats Trump by 32 percent among Latinos. Florida’s voters put Clinton at 41 percent, Trump at 36 percent, Johnson at 7 percent and Stein at 4 percent.

Hillary Clinton has emerged from the FBI investigation into her email practices as secretary of state a wounded candidate with a large and growing majority of voters saying she can not be trusted, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll.

In both polls, majorities express unfavorable views of Clinton and Trump, but the GenForward study suggests they have more faith in Clinton’s qualifications for president – 55 percent see Clinton as qualified compared with just 21 percent who say Trump is. Even so, both Clinton and Trump are viewed unfavorably by many Millennials, with almost as many respondents remaining undecided as favor Trump.

Lichter’s study, which has not yet been published, shows that both candidates are also treated more negatively than the man they hope to succeed. “The results are weighted based on those probabilities, so that a voter who is 100% sure of his or her choice has more impact on the forecast than one who is 60% sure”.


The survey of 876 voters conducted by the Marist College Institute of Public Opinion has a margin of error of 3.3 percentage points.

Clinton airing thousands of positive ads while Trump silent