
Pokemon Go: Japan Rejoices, No Hope For The Rest Of Asia

In a nine-point safety guide, the NISC warned Pokemon Go players against dubious strangers and online scams, saying risky places should be avoided at all costs.


In a one-page flier, the government-run agency has released nine tips advising players of the augmented reality game to be cautious of scams and their personal safety as well as to carry extra batteries and be mindful of heatstroke. The game was created by Nintendo, Niantic, and Pokemon Co.

It was announced today that McDonald’s is the first company to partner with the wildly popular smartphone game “Pokemon Go”.

Martin said Pokemon Go’s ratio of paid users to total users was 10 times that of Candy Crush, the hit game from King Digital that generated more than $1 billion of revenue in both 2013 and 2014. The Japanese game maker, in partnership with Game Freak, released the original Pokemon game in the mid-1990s, and owns the trademarks to all the game’s characters. He is anticipating that Japanese fans will get an improved version of the game as technological glitches reported in other countries are repaired. “They are adding a new way to make money through mobile games by virtue of the Global Positioning System element in the game, and I think this deal is just the first of many to come”, said Serkan Toto, a Tokyo-based games industry consultant.

In Akihabara, 19-year old student Yuchi Mori said he was undeterred by the multiple reports of “Pokemon Go”-related traffic accidents and other mishaps elsewhere”. People started tweeting Friday morning about the game being available.


“I want people to abide by the warning so that people can play it on smartphones safely”, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said Thursday, according to BBC.

The wait is over for `Pokemon Go fans in Japan