
Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson is almighty mad at his buddy Ted Cruz

Trump formally won that title on Tuesday.


Cruz said Trump should not have been surprised by the content of his Wednesday night address because the campaign “knew exactly what I was going to say”.

In his speech, Trump did not repeat comments made to The New York Times that the United States might abandon its North Atlantic Treaty Organisation military commitments if he were president.

The Trump campaign spent two days denying there was any plagiarism, calling the criticism absurd. But, it may also be because the booing was so loud, according to Vox, that after Cruz uttered the words “vote your conscious” it was hard to hear anything. “It got me here”, said Trump, who has fired up crowds with promises to create jobs, be tough on national security and ensure that foreign policy keeps American interests firmly at its heart. I am watching and I am listening. Ted Cruz’s non-endorsement speech so dominated the coverage, Pence was all but forgotten. Is it fair to demand that Cruz be loyal to someone who he thinks doesn’t share his political principles?

Cruz knows that a guy who uses names like “Lyin’ Ted” is not exactly presidential material. Heidi Cruz is an employee of Goldman Sachs.

Cruz swung back Thursday morning, telling a Texas delegation breakfast audience “I’m not in the habit of supporting people who attack my wife and attack my father”.

Michael Cohen, special counsel to Trump, praised his boss and called the nominee’s former rival “a baby”. “It’s time to come together and fight for a new direction for America”.

Ivanka Trump got an enthusiastic welcome at the Republican National Convention. McIver said she later included the passages in the speech she wrote for Mrs. Trump.

Jeff Kaufmann, chairman of the Republican Party of Iowa, told reporters today that Cruz’s speech Wednesday night at the convention in Cleveland had members of the Iowa delegation “shaking heads”. It was announced Thursday that she will be speaking at the convention. It was a typically dramatic moment for Trump and delegates loved it. Manafort told NBC News that Cruz “made a mistake” and exercised “very bad judgment”.

Was Cruz’s speech self-serving in its own way?

Ted Cruz of Texas refused to explicitly endorse GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump, fellow Republicans criticized the conservative firebrand for not getting on board with the party’s candidate.

“My father not only has the strength and ability to be our next president, but the kindness and compassion that will enable him to be the leader this country needs”, she said. He added that “now that cloud is lifted off” Mrs. Trump.

Whatever his intentions, Ted’s failure to endorse alienated many Republicans, especially Trump supporters who booed him.

Trump said that in such situations he would decide whether to aid the countries only after reviewing whether they “have fulfilled their obligations to us”, the paper reported. They crowded around him 10 people deep in the sun on an outdoor restaurant deck after his 20-minute speech, chanting “2020, 2020, 2020!” Her primetime speech elicited repeated applause and much praise from delegates in the arena.

The media, it seems clear, is still trying to figure Donald Trump out.

Tune in to Thursday night for a live blog of convention events.


Now the reason for all the booing is because Ted Cruz refuses to come out and officially endorse Donald Trump, in spite of the fact that he had to sign that loyalty pledge to eventually support the Republican candidate.

Kaitlin Kimont3 hours ago Ted Cruz Didn't Mention Trump In His Speech & Everyone Noticed     TIMOTHY A. CLARY  AFP  Getty Images