
China upset by US Republican platform on South China Sea, Tibet

The talks take place just a week after an worldwide tribunal issued an arbitration result in favor of the Philippines in a case it unilaterally brought against China.


The July 24-27 trip comes amid continuing tension over Chinese claims to reefs and islands in the South China Sea, and follows a ruling by an worldwide tribunal against Beijing’s claims in the strategic waters.

Beijing had reasserted its claims to the South China Sea area after the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague ruled on July 12 that there was no legal basis for them. Beijing has angrily rejected the verdict and pledged to pursue claims that conflict with those of several smaller neighbors. “We’ll urge restraint on all sides”.

These comments were all under a section titled “U.S. Leadership in the Asian Pacific”. But a senior official said, “So far, there has not been precipitous action” and Washington was hoping confrontation could be avoided.

As secretary of state, Clinton also oversaw the USA “pivot” to Asia, which many in China see as an effort to contain Beijing’s rising influence in the region.

“We are not looking to do things that are escalatory”, another senior USA official said. The hole was found near the Paracel islands called as Xisha Islands by China.

“Our awful trade agreements with China and many others, will be totally renegotiated”.

Citing worldwide rules, the United States has conducted freedom-of-navigation patrols close to Chinese-held islands where China has been bolstering its military presence.

Economic and trade issues have also been a frequent point of discord.

The Indonesian government keeps trying to encourage all sides to maintain and prioritize stability and peace in responding to the United Nations’ worldwide arbitration tribunals ruling on the South China Sea dispute, a Foreign Ministry official said.

She also said the administration would not let crises in other parts of the world, from Syria to Turkey, distract from Mr Obama’s signature policy of “rebalancing” towards Asia.


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China upset by U.S. Republican platform on South China Sea, Tibet