
Ed Cox: Trump Family ‘Disappointed’ By Cruz Speech

The quip, first reported by Buzzfeed News, came a day after Christie ripped into Cruz for his Wednesday night RNC speech – an address in which the one-time 2016 refused to endorse Trump.


Palin didn’t stop there, telling Cruz, “Delete your career”, after the Trump snub.

For the most part, Trump’s camp has been angry with Cruz for his speech, but not to the point of being openly vindictive.

Trump officials could have simply paid Kasich compliments (remember the importance of battleground OH!) instead of saying he was embarrassing his state; Team Trump didn’t need to steamroll over the #NeverTrump delegates, because they were no longer a threat to the nomination; the campaign could have tripled-check Melania’s speech; the campaign didn’t have to spend an entire day pretending there was no plagiarism; and it certainly didn’t have to let Cruz speak without an endorsement or a promise that he’d play nice.

Asked if she’ll vote for Trump in November, the Rye resident said “yes I will. He’s our candidate and what every you think of Donald Trump he’s way, way, way better than Hillary Clinton”.

Utah’s delegates and their alternates – all committed to Cruz – have been at the center of the contention during the four-day convention over the nomination of Trump.

But the former secretary of the New Hampshire GOP said she would support Cruz again if he runs for president a second time, in either 2020 or 2024. A day later, the Utah delegation saw their votes go to Trump because of a state party rule.

Christie didn’t up on hitting Cruz the next morning, either. “People can walk out, they can turn around”, Stokes said.

“He could’ve picked a better arena to have a tantrum or a meltdown than the middle of the convention”, said Shannon Wright, a delegate from Baltimore.

“We haven’t done anything in the last three days we should be ashamed of”.


“It shows me and the rest of the Republican Party that Ted Cruz is not a supporter of the Republican Party but a supporter of only Ted Cruz”, he added. “Politicians will see – it makes all the difference in the world to us”. “I am not in the habit of supporting people who attack my wife and attack my father”, Cruz said. This convention has been lacking electricity, and we know that Trump feeds off it. But outside of Cleveland, consider everything else Cruz’s speech did. It’s Trump’s house and they are invited guests and they’re just throwing a fit about Ted Cruz. “It was surreal” and shows the divisions within the party.

Palin Tells Cruz To End His Career – Guess No One Told Her That Hers Ended YEARS Ago