
Kaine leads as Democrat Clinton nears a running mate choice

Kaine, she argued, is a man of relentless optimism who believes no problem is unsolvable if one is willing to put in the work.


Kaine could help Clinton in Virginia, a heavily contested swing state, and would be replaced in the Senate by another Democrat chosen by Democratic Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe, a close friend and ally of Clinton.

At a joint campaign appearance last week in Virginia, which served as a final audition, Clinton stood side-by-side Kaine and beamed as he spoke of her virtues in Spanish, CNN noted.

With the pick, Clinton moved into the political spotlight a day after newly crowned Republican nominee Donald Trump closed out his convention with a fiery address accusing his general election opponent of “terrible, bad crimes”.

In a fundraising text message to supporters, Trump’s campaign wrote: “The ultimate insiders – Obama, Hillary and Kaine”.

Clinton, a former secretary of state, will be formally nominated as the party’s presidential candidate at next week’s Democratic convention in Philadelphia.

She considered Thomas E. Perez, the secretary of labor, who would have been the first Hispanic on a major party ticket; Sen.

But his selection could come as a disappointment to the liberal wing of the party, some of which had hoped Clinton would turn to a more populist leader, such as Sen.

As a battleground-state Democrat who has pull in Congress and is fluent in Spanish, Kaine should boost Clinton’s chances against Donald Trump in November.

“Undoubtedly, he has the public service and governing experience necessary to help Secretary Clinton lead this nation”, Mancini said.

Jeff Merkley – who supports Clinton but is voting for Vermont Sen. When I was talking to people about this decision, I couldn’t find anyone – Democrat or Republican – who had a bad thing to say about him.

She called Mr Kaine by phone around 7:30pm local time on Friday to offer him the job, and he accepted, according to a campaign aide. He also served a stint as chairman of the Democratic National Committee and was on President Barack Obama’s short list for running mate in 2008. He supports the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, something Sanders has vehemently opposed.

Knoxville Mayor Madeline Rogero, a delegate for Clinton, was traveling to visit family Friday evening when the pick was announced and not available to comment, city spokesman Jesse Mayshark said.

Mr Kaine, 58, had always been a favourite for Mrs Clinton’s ticket.


“The old saying is: ‘He’s someone you’d want to have a beer with, ‘ ” Hodges said. Tim Kaine has emerged as a leading contender. Whether serving as mayor of Richmond, Virginia’s lieutenant governor, governor, and now as US senator, Tim has always shown a commitment to serving others.

Clinton Selects Senator Tim Kaine As Running Mate