
Schumer, senior US Senate Democrat, opposes Iran deal

“Senator Schumer was wrong when he voted to back the war with Iraq, and he’s wrong to work with Republicans to kill this nuclear deal with Iran, period”.


Mr Schumer said in his statement he opposed the nuclear deal because he believed Iran would not change and that the deal would let it eliminate sanctions while retaining “nuclear and non-nuclear power”.

I think what you’re seeing with Senator Schumer is a man who’s very attuned to the sources of political support and financial support“, said Lustik.

Mr Schumer, who represents New York, is America’s most powerful Jewish elected official, and is expected to become the Democrat’s leader in the Senate next year. Schumer informed the White House of his decision Thursday afternoon.

Proof of that is the White House’s quick expression of confidence that, even with Schumer and other pro-Israel Democrats opposing, it can prevent two-thirds of both chambers of Congress from overriding a veto should Congress oppose the pact.

Earnest said that the White House is certain it would corral either the 34 Senate votes or the 146 House votes that it needs to sustain an Obama veto of any resolution of disapproval.

A ranking member of the House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee and a senior Jewish member, Engel said: “The answers I’ve received simply don’t convince me that this deal will keep a nuclear weapon out of Iran’s hands, and may in fact strengthen Iran’s position as a destabilizing and destructive influence across the Middle East”.

” But Obama, who has spent much of the last few weeks making his public case for support of the Iran deal, said he was “not interested in a Twitter back and forth with the supreme leader”.

“Now I know that I’m known as such a vocal advocate of electing democrats, but Chuck Schumer this week came out against this Iranian nuclear deal”. That’s the path I believe we should pursue. But… Huckabee said he hopes Schumer’s decision encourages other Democrats to do the same thing.

One Park Slope resident NY1 spoke with was so aggravated by the senator’s announcement, he had already left a phone message at Schumer’s office and complained on his Facebook page – a double dose of disapproval.

But Schumer and Elngel’s colleague from New York, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, announced her intention to vote in favor of the deal while calling it “imperfect.”.

A leading Jewish Democrat, Schumer was the first senator of Obamas party to step forward to oppose the deal.

Anonymous/AP Josh Earnest, President Obama’s spokesman, all but encouraged Senate Democrats to consider Schumer’s opposition to the pact when they vote next year to elect a new Democratic leader.

“And there is no denying the significant negative impact on United States credibility for the United States to be isolated in this way”. “I want to judge the deal on the merits and the merits alone”, he said.


Republicans have blasted the deal as unsafe and naïve, and say it threatens Israel’s security. Obama will then veto it. The sole question is whether the Republicans have enough votes to override the veto.

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